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Preqin ESG Solutions 21 GP Regulatory Disclosures GP Regulatory Disclosures provides an overview of a fund manager’s adherence to ESG regulatory requirements. This dataset currently covers the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), which is binding as of 2022, and will be expanded to cover other global regulations as they are introduced. GP Regulatory Disclosures seamlessly integrates fund sourcing and due diligence with regulatory compliance. Preqin’s Regulatory Disclosures tracks 昀椀rm-level disclosures mandated by regulatory bodies. Our dataset currently includes the following, collected through the public domain by Preqin’s ESG Research team: • SFDR Article 3: Disclosure of a 'Sustainability Risk Policy' that includes information on the integration of sustainability risk considerations in the 昀椀rm's investment decision-making process. • SFDR Article 4: Disclosure of a 'Principal Adverse Impacts Statement' (PAI) that includes a due diligence assessment of sustainability impacts. Alternatively, disclosure of the 昀椀rm's rationale for not publishing it. • SFDR Article 5: Disclosure of remuneration policies that include information on how the 昀椀rm integrated its consideration for sustainability risks. We aim to expand the list of disclosures as they are introduced by regulatory bodies. ↗ Back to Contents

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