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Preqin ESG Solutions 22 ESG A昀케liations To commit to an a昀케liation, 昀椀rms need to dedicate time and resources to integrate ESG into their practices. As a result, a昀케liations indirectly signalize management priorities. If you are an institutional investor, the ESG A昀케liations component – in conjunction with Transparency KPIs and ESG Contacts – enables you to identify fund managers with ESG-integrated investment work昀氀ows. If you are committed to Net Zero, it indicates which fund managers have pledged to manage their Scope 3 emissions. This information enables you to quickly shortlist the funds which track and actively manage their carbon footprints. Based on their prevalence in the industry, we amassed an extensive dataset tracking 40+ third-party organizations to which LPs and GPs are a昀케liated. Preqin’s ESG Research team collects this information from the public domain and includes it on both LP and GP ESG pro昀椀les. For each organization we calculate the percentages of the universe of, respectively, 60k+ LPs and GPs featured on Preqin Pro who are a昀케liated with it. While conducting this calculation, we consider only 昀椀rms with at least a single a昀케liation. The resulting ratio informs our clients about the extent to which the standards promoted by this organization permeate the market. Akin to terminology of Transparency KPIs, we call this data point frequency. An institutional investor or fund manager’s association with a speci昀椀c organization can provide further insight into a 昀椀rm’s ESG practices, indicating obligations that are perhaps otherwise not publicly disclosed. For a full list of a昀케liations currently tracked by Preqin please see Appendix B. ↗ Back to Contents

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