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Campaign Pro Tips The best way to know if your campaign’s working? Try things out. Start a few campaigns, one for each marketing initiative, so you can get a sense of what works best. Test, iterate, win. Below are some insider tips for maximizing your campaign’s performance. Start with auto Test various Experiment with bidding creative targeting Start with auto-bid to see Follow creative best Expand your audience how ads perform in the practices and, when targeting using: Look-alikes, auction. possible, vary creative (3-5 Keywords, Interests, pieces), copy and CTAs to Conversation Topics, and see what works best. Retargeting. Focus on the Monitor Your Out with the old winners bidding Pause or delete Replace under-performing Update bids for campaigns campaigns that continue Tweets and targeting with that are doing well & merit to under-perform after fresh alternatives a higher spend, or that are you’ve tried optimizing. close to but not quite meeting your goals. We’ve got Our technology automatically your back. serves your best performing ads to Don’t over optimize the people you want to see them. Resist temptation to over-optimise. Resist temptation to over- After edits, wait 2-3 days to allow optimize. After edits, wait learnings to progress. 2-3 days to allow learnings to progress. 19

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