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5. Strategy 5.1 Overview of our sustainability strategy Our sustainability strategy supports our business strategy, an overview of which can be found in our Annual Report in Item 1 of our Form 10-K , filed with the SEC on March 17, 2021. Through our sustainability strategy, we aspire to be a climate action leader and to tap into the full power of Salesforce to help protect the environment for future generations. We prioritize innovative sustainability strategies to deliver impact at a global scale and we seek to build trust with our stakeholders by achieving measurable progress towards our sustainability goals. Our sustainability strategy includes the following three core tenets, which support the shared global goal of Net-Zero emissions: What we do: As a technology company, the solutions we offer to our customers have the greatest potential to drive climate action on a global scale. As governments, industries, companies, nonprofits and individuals work to accelerate to Net-Zero, we believe that all of our customers will require innovative technology to allow them to measure and manage their carbon footprint. This is why we have launched Salesforce Sustainability Cloud, a greenhouse gas accounting tool to help our customers understand their emissions and take meaningful climate action. In addition, we offer our technology for free or at a discount to over 51,000 non-profits and higher education institutions focused on addressing today’s most pressing needs, including climate action. 1 How we do it: We reached Net-Zero and procured 100 percent renewable energy in fiscal year 2022, and we strive to integrate sustainability into all aspects of our business and our service offerings. We have also made investments in a healthy work environment, environmentally-friendly events, sustainable business travel and targeted investments in clean technology. We obtain an independent accountant’s review report from Ernst and Young LLP on selected climate and sustainability metrics so that our stakeholders can have confidence in our progress. We’ve also aligned our company to a 1.5°C emissions reduction target approved by the Science-Based Targets Initiative. Our influence: We believe that we can have a positive climate influence on our society through engagement with customers, employees, governments, peers, stockholders and suppliers. To this end, in fiscal 2021 we released our c limate policy principles, which outlines our climate advocacy goals and provides a framework for others to follow. In addition, our S cience-Based Target includes a commitment to help our suppliers representing approximately 60 percent of our upstream Scope 3 emissions to set their own Science-Based Targets by fiscal 2025. We open-sourced our approach to renewable energy and featured expert third-party guidance in our M ore than a Megawatt whitepaper. We also provided our technology to underpin initiatives designed to drive climate action, such as o ur tree tracker and donation platform and 1 We expect that the collective efforts to rapidly decarbonize the global economy will provide opportunities across all industries. O ur sustainability strategy and global partnerships aim to capture these opportunities and benefit the planet. 1 In practice there are varying interpretations of Net-Zero. Our Net-Zero achievement in fiscal year 2022 includes: (1) Committing publicly to the shared, global goal of achieving a just and equitable transition to Net-Zero, in line with a 1.5°C future; (2) Prioritizing reducing emissions as quickly as possible by aligning our full value chain emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) to the global trajectory of approximately 50 percent emissions reductions by 2030 and near-zero emissions by 2040; and (3) Compensating for any residual emissions by purchasing renewable energy and carbon credits of high credibility, impact and co-benefits using a combination of avoidance and removal credits. Over time, we plan to transition to using removal credits only to offset residual emissions. 13 | Salesforce TCFD Report

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