7 medical center. Sheba is also initiating a medical by working side by side in a hospital to save innovation program in collaboration with the UK’s lives and I am excited to see these friendships Ashridge University, the first of its kind within the and partnerships grow.” burgeoning kingdom. "We are renowned around the globe as a In 2022, Sheba intends to expand its relationship World's top-10 Best Hospitals by Newsweek with both the UAE and Bahrain by initiating an magazine for three consecutive years. No other exchange of doctors for onsite education, training and patient care, as well as engaging in mutually beneficial research projects and building start-up ecosystems within the framework of Sheba's ARC innovation program. These expanding alliances accentuate Professor Kreiss' overall vision for the region. "We devised the Prosperity Through Healthcare initiative to change the future of the Middle East," said Professor Kreiss. "Once there was human interaction, all the barriers between us came down. Healthcare is the most powerful engine of growth in life. Healthcare can create both economic growth and become an engine of peace. The highest level of friendship is achieved Yoel Har-Even (left) signs agreements in Bahrain
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