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physician practice to identify and prevent medication-based errors, opioid dependency, evolving adverse drug events and contraindications and other medication-related risks. MedAware improves patient safety in inpatient and outpatient settings and significantly reduces avoidable risks and costs each day. CLEW MEDICAL CLEW Medical provides a real-time artificial intelligence analytics platform designed to help providers make better informed clinical decisions by predicting life- threatening complications across various medical care settings. CLEW’s goal is to provide solutions that improve outcomes and safety, streamline patient care, and efficiently handle regulations and penalties, to lower the cost of care. MILAGRO AI MilagroAI enables hospitals and health systems to unlock the true potential of their EMR systems in order to save lives and increase efficiency. The MilagroAI real-time data platform fully automates the currently manual and very costly process of EMR data preparation and clinical data understanding,

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