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building tools p. 23 diacritical marks Quotation marks TM / ® - / – / — ( Good typography requires extra attention When quotation marks begin a line be Trademark and registration symbols The shortest of these is a hyphen. It should be ) when dealing with diacritical marks. The it a headline or in the body copy , they should be superscripted. If it cannot be used to connect linked words and phrases. following rules should work together to cre- should always be hung over the sideline done automatically, reduce the point If at all possible, avoid using them to break ate clearly legible, beautiful looking copy. that defines the left justification. The first size of the type and raise the baseline a word at the end of a line. letter inside the quotation mark should on which the mark sits. Never follow the optically align with the letter starting the mark with a period. The second mark is called an en dash. line below it. Always use correct quotation En dashes serve to connect numbers and, marks, not an apostrophe. in Sony communication, we use them to express strong grammatical breaks. ‘Not optically ‘Optically aligned The longest mark is an em dash. (This dash aligned with with the letter TM SXRDTM SXRD is one em wide, or the width of the point size the letter starting the line of the type face.) We do not use this mark. starting the line below it.’ Sony® Sony® below it.’ Bullet points ( ) $ @ + ( ) Always use option 8 Mac when inserting The ITC Avant Garde typeface sets the pa- When writing currency amounts, they The @ symbol should always be corrected bullet points into a text. rentheses too low in its automatic mode. should always appear as indicated. There when it sits in copy. The most frequent This is resolved simply by raising the paren- is no space between the dollar sign and occurrence is in an email address for con- theses off the baseline until they sit evenly the amount. If it is a whole number, do not tact reference. The symbol should be slightly above and below a lower case n. indicate the cents columns with zeroes. reduced in point size, raised off the baseline, If it is not a whole number, indicate the and properly kerned to make the whole ad- cents by superscripting them. Do not use dress clearly legible. a decimal point. If the amount is one thou- sand or over, separate the number using standard commas. ( ) $599 These parentheses sit too low [email protected] $59999 $5,999 ( ) These parentheses sit correctly $5,49999 [email protected]

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