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No change fees. Out-of-home Because sometimes Jetbridge 22” X 36” Example Specifications: 22” x 28” Trim 2.25” 20” x 26” Live 22.5” x 28.5” Bleed 9 to 5 turns into 5 to 9. No change fees. Because sometimes 9 to 5 turns into 5 to 9. 2.25” Fare difference may apply. File name: Fare difference may apply. Height 0.3593 in .3159” Shown actual size. At times there will only be a handful of words. Note: Jetbridge frames cover Line up the legal/disclaimer with the headline, flush left, and place .25” along each edge. Adjust it on the live area or .3159 from the designs so that brand elements, top of the brand bar. disclaimers, and copy are not obscured. Out-of-Home Southwest Airlines Brand Style Guide | 71

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