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Content is increasingly optimized using test and learn processes across multiple channels One of the hallmarks of a sophisticated content operation is testing and Figure 13: Is content being continually optimized learning in order to optimize content. In the digital realm, this means testing based on a test and learn process? variations of the same piece of content to specific audiences, tracking the results, and improving the content based on those results to ensure a higher success rate. Testing is based on digital data and performed across all customer stages What sets apart the sophisticated companies is the use of digital data to and channels on an ongoing basis, 24% not only generate testing variations, but also keep track of the results. with the help of AI The majority (48%) of companies use digital data to do this, with the more mature ones conducting these tests on an ongoing, rather than periodic Testing is based on digital data within basis. They are also likely to leverage the power of AI to automate and multiple channels and conducted 24% optimize this testing. on a periodic bases This isn’t to discount the value of human insights when it comes to testing Testing is based on internal ideas and variations; however, it does show that the best way to conduct testing and conducted within multiple channels 30% personalization at a large scale is to enlist the help of technology to support on a periodic basis creative intuition. Technology (33%) and banking (38%) companies were the most mature Testing is based on internal ideas and industries, where the majority of companies were conducting ongoing conducted within a single channel 16% digital tests with the help of AI to optimize content. on an ad hoc basis We do not have a test and 6% learn process for content SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 19

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