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Demographic and behavioral data are used to create segments for personalization at different stages Companies are getting better at using multiple data sources or identifying criteria Content teams focused on commercially-oriented goals such as lead generation, to segment their customers. They can now choose to segment their customers sales enablement and product support were much more likely to use multi-data based on demographic, behavioral, transactional or even psychographic data. The customer segments than those focused on brand awareness or thought leadership. most sophisticated companies can create segments using a mix of attributes from This implies that these teams are more sophisticated at using data and have the various data sources. access to a wider range of customer attributes through data gained from multiple functions. Twenty-five percent of companies are doing this, with almost a fifth (19%) leveraging AI to create and apply complex segmentation schemes. However, the majority (30%) can only use a single segmentation criteria at a time, applied at different stages of the customer journey. Figure 12: How are you creating segments for customizing/personalizing content? SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 18

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