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Engagement is still the top metric for success, while reach is the least used Most companies have recognized that in the digital world, actions speak louder than views. Engagement (36%) is the top metric for measuring content effectiveness, while reach is the lowest at 11%. This shows how companies have evolved beyond the advertising-centric goal of reaching as many eyeballs as possible, to leading audiences to act on what they see either through clicks or shares, or “conversions” where they move noticeably closer to purchase. Unsurprisingly, content teams focused on generating revenue picked “conversion” as their top metric (31%) while customer service teams picked “efficiency” as their top metric. This highlights how content goals don’t have to be the same for every department, and it makes sense to measure content differently depending on which stage of the customer journey it is deployed. Figure 4: What is the most common metric you use to measure how your content is performing? Engagement (e.g. clicks, shares, comments, mentions) 36% Efficiency (e.g. cost savings on customer support calls) 18% Inbound (e.g. time spent on website/owned properties) 18% Conversion (e.g. downloads, direct sales) 17% Reach (e.g. likes, views) 11% SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 8

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