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Brand awareness and thought leadership are the top content goals Companies are creating more digital content than ever before. And feeding the content beast is a challenge that is pushing them to their limits. The list of channels where companies need to have a presence is ever increasing, with each year bringing a new TikTok or Clubhouse to consider. In addition, customers expect to receive high quality, compelling, and personalized experiences in every digital interaction with a company. While most businesses can personalize content to some degree, the unique challenge they face today is how to personalize content at a scale that meets the demands of a great Figure 3: What is the primary goal for customer experience. We believe the best way companies can meet your content strategy? this demand is to implement an “agile content system.” 35% An agile content system is a set of specialized practices that allow companies to produce a large amount of content in a relatively short amount of time. The “agile” element refers to deploying the right type of 28% content, at the right time to the right person. In order to do this, companies must become highly competent in five key capabilities (FIG 1). These include gaining insights from data, 16% automating content creation, enabling real-time personalization on 15% digital platforms and other technology-powered skills. It also includes non-technical factors such as the right organizational structure, executive support and a framework for tracking success. Implementing 7% any one of these requirements is a capability improvement but putting them all together is nothing less than a transformation, a daunting prospect for most companies. SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 7

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