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Companies are using more data inputs to create a content strategy Figure 9: What are the key inputs into creating your content strategy? It used to be that creativity was the sole input into producing content, with brilliant copywriters or concept savants responsible for memorable Content strategy is based on a mix of company goals, competitor catchphrases or visuals. Today, only 13% of analysis, audience needs, digital data and AI insights 18% companies rely on that type of creativity. Many companies (30%) tap into a variety of inputs including company goals, competitor analysis, Content strategy is based on a mix of company goals, audience needs and digital data. competitor analysis, audience needs and digital data 30% Interestingly, companies that chose brand awareness as their top content strategy goal are Content strategy is based on a mix of 19% far more likely to rely purely on internal creative company goals and audience needs ideas (26%), rather than use other inputs. This makes brand-focused content less likely to be relevant to a specific audience, or to achieve a Content strategy is based mostly on the 20% specific business goal other than to keep a brand company’s business goals name visible. Conversely, teams that focused on lead generation were far more likely to use data based on audience needs in order to create Content strategy is based purely on internal creative ideas 13% relevant content. SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 15

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