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Most companies can deliver personalized content in real-time, to varying degrees The majority of companies are able to implement some form of real-time content Content teams focused on brand awareness were more likely to personalize personalization based on recognizing customers and their digital interactions. based on demographic information (35%), whereas teams focused on sales Encouragingly, almost a fifth of companies are deploying AI to power this enablement (41%) and customer support (38%) personalized based on recognizing personalization, which makes it far easier to perform at scale. the customer’s specific profile attributes. This indicates that top-of-the-funnel personalization can rely more on demographic data, since most of the targets are This indicates that companies are investing in the sophisticated data analysis anonymous; however, as customers get closer to purchase, or post-purchase, we needed to power real-time personalization. It also means companies are getting can start personalizing based on their unique attributes or captured digital behavior. better at building an effective content supply chain to deliver enough creative variations to feed into a personalization scheme. The retail industry is the most capable industry when it comes to real-time personalization, where a majority of respondents (31%) said they used AI to support data analysis, segment creation and personalized content creation. Figure 10: To what extent can content be personalized and delivered in real-time based on customer actions? SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 16

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