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A centralized content team is the most common model for content production One of the biggest shifts we’ve seen is companies moving their content creation This finding also highlights just how strategic an asset digital content has become. from mostly external agencies to internal teams. Half of companies use this Sophisticated companies use digital content to serve multi-functional teams, and “internal agency” or centralized model for content production where an internal meet a variety of goals beyond brand awareness. Outsourcing the creation of that team creates content for anyone who needs it within the organization. That’s in content would slow down the key processes of an agile system such as data-based stark contrast to only 4% of companies outsourcing their content creation. It’s a creation, automated insights, and testing and learning. It would also be much more warning sign for creative agencies, who are unlikely to make their revenue purely difficult to find and vet an outside agency that could serve the content creation through producing content for their clients. We expect agencies to offer other needs of all the different departments within the business. value-added services, especially in the realm of data and analytics to make up for the shift away from their creative services. Figure 7: Which model most closely describes how your company manages production across multiple departments or geographies? SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 12

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