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Most companies have multiple content strategy owners The majority of companies have assigned multiple content strategy owners Figure 6: Who is primarily responsible for your digital content strategy? (31%), which means that each function within the organization (e.g. brand, lead gen, product, sales or communications) could have its own content strategy and goals. While this distributed ownership allows for more freedom and experimentation, it also has potential drawbacks. When there An editorial committee, made up of senior are many different content strategies coming from the same company, leaders creates the content strategy that is 15% it may create conflicting objectives within the central content producing implemented by the content team team and a disjointed experience for the customer. A good compromise is a hybrid model where leadership representing the A dedicated content team 29% interests of multiple departments and functions creates a holistic content creates the content strategy, with input strategy, but then allows the content team to own the production based on from multiple departments that strategy. Fifteen percent of companies use this approach. 20% Retail was the only industry where a single department (likely brand) A single department such as the brand, was more likely to be the sole owner of the content strategy. This social or digital marketing team is highlights how digital content is primarily used as a brand builder by retail responsible for the overall content strategy 31% companies. Companies’ responses also varied based on the top content goal they We do not currently have a 5% chose. Respondents who chose brand awareness as their top goal were clear content strategy owner much more likely to have multiple content strategy owners across the organization (40%). In contrast, respondents who used content primarily to generate leads or revenue were more likely to use a dedicated content team setting the content strategy. This indicates that a dedicated content team is more suitable for specific revenue-generating tasks, instead of brand-building content, which can be done by a variety of producers, both internally and externally. SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 11

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