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SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 16 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 USING THE NAMES OF SUPERIOR ESSEX 1. The name Superior Essex should not be used in the possessive('s) form except in instances where it otherwise would be grammatically awkward or when used in speech. 2. The name Superior Essex should not be used as a contraction. The same guidelines apply to all of our organization names. 3. The name Superior Essex should not be used as a verb or to create a play on words. The same guidelines apply to all of our organization names. To use the Superior Essex name properly, position initial caps on both Superior and Essex. Never capitalize Superior Essex in any application. The first instance of Superior Essex used in a document should include a registered trademark (®) after the word Essex. Do not use the Superior Essex, Essex or Essex Brownell icon's or logo's in a line of text. Do not refer to Superior Essex business unit names using acronyms which deteriorate our brand (i.e. "SPSX", "SXB", "SX", "SE"). These general guidelines apply when using the Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell names and those of their business units. CORRECT Business solutions from Superior Essex solve problems for changing markets. INCORRECT Superior Essex’s business solutions solve problems for changing markets. CORRECT Get to the finish line with Superior Essex. INCORRECT Superior Essex to the finish line. CORRECT Superior Essex is an industry leader. INCORRECT Superior Essex’s an industry leader. 1 3 2

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