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KEY METRICS & INDICATORS Topic Accounting Metric Category Code Response Investment banking and brokerage Environmental Policy Framework (Updated in 2019) Incorporation Please see page 47 of our Task Force of ESG Description of approach to on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Factors in incorporation of environmental, Discussion (TCFD) report, Accelerating Transition, Investment social, and governance (ESG) and Analysis FN-IB-410a.3 which highlights targets for sectors that are Banking & factors in investment banking and material to our financing portfolio. We also Brokerage brokerage activities continue to expand governance around Activities our Decarbonization offering, particularly as it relates to green financing transactions captured in our underwriting methodology. The firm maintains a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and requires Professional Description of approach to Discussion employees to annually certify they have Integrity ensuring professional integrity, and Analysis FN-IB-510b.4 reviewed and will comply with the code. including duty of care See the Business Standards Committee Impact Report and our Business Principles for further information. MRT is a regulatory term applied in the UK, but it is not a concept we apply to our global workforce. Within our UK workforce Percentage of total remuneration only, 53% of total remuneration awarded to that is variable for Material Risk Quantitative FN-IB-550b.1 MRTs for 2020 performance was variable. Takers (MRTs) Note that we apply a pay-for-performance philosophy across our organization. Please see our Compensation Principles for Employee further information. Incentives and Risk Taking Percentage of variable All equity-based awards granted to remuneration of Material Risk employees are subject to robust forfeiture Takers (MRTs) to which malus or Quantitative FN-IB-550b.2 and clawback provisions. Please see page clawback provisions were applied 54 of our 2022 Proxy Statement for further information. Discussion of policies around supervision, control, and Discussion FN-IB-550b.3 Please see pages 60-61 of our 2021 Form validation of traders’ pricing of and Analysis 10-K. Level 3 assets and liabilities SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy Re Reppoorrtt 2 2002121 KKeey My Meettrriiccs & Is & Innddiiccatatoorrs | Ss ASB Index 104

Sustainability Report | Goldman Sachs - Page 104 Sustainability Report | Goldman Sachs Page 103 Page 105