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First, your friends and family see it. They get excited, they praise you, they tell you how proud they are. You might hate to admit it, but even now your parents’ (and family’s) praise means way more than you expected that it would. And in some cases, they finally understand what it is you do, and why it matters. Then your coworkers, peers, and professional network see it. And they get almost as excited as your friends and family. And that praise is also really cool, and you enjoy it far more than you anticipated. Then all of a sudden…people start talking to you about the book. About your ideas. People who read the book and want to discuss it with you, because you’re the author. Then, people start to introduce you as “author.” Yeah, you are one, but still…it feels weird. Then you start to get reviews, posted online…from people you don’t even know. About your book. And they really like it, and they talk about how much of an impact it made on their life. Then, clients start coming to you…because of your book. They already know who you are, how you work, and what you believe. And you don’t need to sell them anymore. They sign because they were so impressed with the book, they already know they want to work with you. Then, you get requests to speak. Some of them even want to pay you. And you go speak, and people look at you differently. They listen when you talk, they applaud when you are done, and they want to talk to you afterward. Then, media inquiries. You do a few podcasts. The host wants to talk to you about the ideas in your book. People talk to you about a podcast they heard you on, or a blog post they read about you in. Why WriTE A BOOk? · 13

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 13 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 12 Page 14