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Then, all kinds of new opportunities come in that you honestly never would have guessed. Things that weren’t even on your radar before the book are now coming to you. Requests for consulting, for proposals, job offers—all kinds of things you didn’t even realize were out there. And of course, more and more clients. Then, when it settles down and you have reached a new level that has become normal to you, you’re used to being called an author and you realize something…you see yourself differently. You now realize that you really did have something important to contribute, and that people you don’t even know have had their lives changed for the better because you put your knowledge and your story down in a book. You know for sure that your work matters to people. You know you have left a legacy behind that can’t ever be taken away. I’ve seen this exact scenario play out hundreds upon hundreds of times. Scribe’s site is bursting with stories and videos of real authors tell- ing stories just like this. This story can be yours. It’s possible…you just have to follow the instructions in this book. It won’t be easy, it will take a lot of effort, but it’s there for the taking. You just have to do it. 14 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 14 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 13 Page 15