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Victoria feels exposed and lonely because there is no one in her organization that she can turn to, but she knows that she needs to make some changes. She is also overwhelmed by the huge volume of material in the mar- ketplace that warns companies that they have to engage in digital transformation or risk being wiped out, but which provides very little tangible help in doing so. She has nightmares that her company will be the next “Block- buster,” wiped out by the Financial Services equivalent of Netflix, and that it will happen on her watch and that she will be considered a failure. Some of her peers within the company are pushing back hard on the changes that she is proposing, and waging a political war against her to keep her off their turf. The ideas that she has developed about new products and experiences for customers are being shot down by the head of marketing and the head of retail banking, both of whom think that they should be driving the digital agenda. They are actively trying to undermine her and make her look bad, and it is starting to feel like Game of Thrones. In the industry, people are not sharing knowledge, because they are all feeling under pressure, and it adds to her sense of isolation and paranoia. Some of her best people are leaving to join new compa- nies, and she would be tempted to do the same, but these startups don’t want someone as old as her. In her last presentation to the board, the directors didn’t seem to understand or support the approach that she proposed, and it feels to her like resistance is crystallizing. She was asked to lead the dig- ital transformation for the organization, but now she isn’t given the resources or the support that she needs. She is starting to feel like she is in a lose-lose situation that could figUrE OUT yOUr AUDiENCE · 79

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 79 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 78 Page 80