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9.5 hOW MUCh ShOUlD yOU “givE AWAy” iN yOUr BOOk? ThE QUESTiON Of ADvErTOriAl vS. EDiTOriAl CONTENT Do you like it when people blatantly try to sell you something? Espe- cially when that’s not what you want to hear about? Of course not. Everyone hates that. Yet, when it’s time to write their book, so many authors will forget this universal truth and instead use their book to pitch their product or service. This is obnoxious, annoying, and worst of all—it’s ineffective. No matter what your book is asking readers to do next—especially if you’d like them to buy your products or services—it’s critical that the content of your book not only doesn’t sell, it educates and informs instead. hOW MUCh ShOUlD yOU “givE AWAy” iN yOUr BOOk? · 409

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 409 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 408 Page 410