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In book writing terms, this is called “editorial” rather than “adver- torial” information. Editorial content provides readers with information about a topic or explains something to them. It educates readers and provides them with value. Editorial content, at its core, is about providing value to the reader. It is through editorial information that you share your expertise with readers and give your valuable information to them. You have given readers information they can put to use, which will earn their trust, and in turn actually drive more sales to you than overt selling. It will do this by making you memorable and trustworthy. Contrast this to advertorial content, which is an overt sales pitch. Rather than providing readers with the information they bought your book to acquire, you are telling them to buy. It’s the worst way to accomplish your goal, because readers will feel taken advantage of. They will not trust you. They will be pissed off, and you will look bad. Your readers will sniff out authenticity, just like you do when you read. This is the key thing to remember: readers buy your book under the implicit contract that you will respect their decision and give them value for their investment of money and time. When you push something on them, they feel as though you’ve betrayed their trust. If you do a great job in your book and provide knowledge and infor- mation that benefits the reader, you’ve accomplished your most important goal: They’ll respect you, and they will trust what you say. Some portion of them may come to you at some point in the future, whether it’s to book you as a speaker, hire you as a consultant, or purchase your next book. They are also likely to recommend your book to other readers who will also be interested in your ideas. 410 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 410 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 409 Page 411