The best way to accomplish this is by making your value clear to readers by providing information they can immediately put to use. HOW MUCH DO YOU “GIVE AWAY” IN YOUR BOOK? This is simple: put as much of your knowledge as you can in your book. I say this again, without reservation: PUT AS MUCH OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE AS YOU CAN IN YOUR BOOK. The reasons for this are twofold: 1. If you actually care about serving your readers, this should be obvious. You are writing the book for them, and to serve them, you must actually give them the knowledge you have. 2. But even better, giving them what you have usually helps you reach your goals. Just like the “advertorial vs. editorial” conversation, your book is about building trust with your reader. How can you do that if you don’t show them what you know, and how it can help them? This book that you’re reading right now is a great example of what I’m talking about: Scribe is a company that sells several different services to help people write books (in addition to other value-add creative services). However, at no point in this book have I pushed those services on you, or even implied that you should buy them. In fact, I only even mention them in passing to set up stories that give example to my teachings (like I am now). To go even further, this book gives away every “secret” we have. You can follow the instructions in this book and accomplish every- thing that we do, without us. hOW MUCh ShOUlD yOU “givE AWAy” iN yOUr BOOk? · 411
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