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side of the old, traditional models, and most nonfiction books are not monetized directly. Here is modern reality: most nonfiction authors make the major- ity of their money from other things that a book gets them, and not from sales of their books. You can always make money by selling copies, of course. But making money indirectly from a book means you’re using your book as a marketing tool to get you something else that produces revenue. For example, a book will help you elevate your authority, increase your visibility, and get you more clients. This strategy fundamen- tally changes the way books are conceived and positioned (more on this later). At Scribe, we’ve adapted the old positioning process so that instead of serving the publishing company’s needs, it serves your needs as the author. POSITIONING DONE RIGHT ENSURES YOUR BOOK WILL WORK In the next three sections of this book, I will lead you through our positioning process, using the exact steps and questions we use to help authors refine and crystallize their ideas into well-positioned books that will get them results. These are the three steps to posi- tioning your book: 1. DETERMINE YOUR OBJECTIVES What result must the book produce for you to be a success? 2. TARGET YOUR AUDIENCE Who is the audience that must be reached for your goal to be achieved? WhAT iS BOOk POSiTiONiNg (AND Why DOES iT MATTEr)? · 55

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 55 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 54 Page 56