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3. LOCK IN YOUR BOOK IDEA What is your book about, and why will your audience care? Everything is connected. The objectives necessitate a certain audience. The audience has their needs that must be met by the book. And the book idea must attract and provide value to the audience, so you’ll reach the objectives you want to achieve. It all ties together in a simple formula. If you follow it, you’ll pick a book topic that provides value for both you and the audience. That’s the key thing to remember with your book: nobody cares about you, or your book. They only care about what your book can do for them. This point is so important, I am going to begin and end the piece with it: Positioning answers the question in your reader’s mind: “Why should I read this book?” If you do not know the answer to that question before you start writing, chances are you will write a book that does not serve an audience…or you. 56 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 56 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 55 Page 57