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• Aged 45-65 • Married, with children • Dealing with issues of weight gain, diabetes, lack of energy, or hormonal imbalance • Household income $100K+ Psychographics = How People Think • Emotions • Values/Beliefs • Attitudes • Interests • Opinions • Tribal/Group Affiliation Example Psychographic Information: • Concerned with health and appearance • Wants a healthy lifestyle, but doesn’t have much time • Enjoys going online in the evenings, big fan of Pinterest • Tends to favor quality over economy • Finds fulfillment in her career and family • Values time with a small group of friends Understanding the difference is important in modern marketing. The reality is that demographic data used to be all you needed to target and understand audiences, because so much of the market fell into predictable patterns based on demographics. Digital media has exploded consumer options, and made demo- graphics less predictive of human behavior. Now, psychographics work better. The differences between how people think are now more important in (most) marketing than who they appear to be. 68 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 68 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 67 Page 69