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BETTER FRAME: USE PSYCHOGRAPHICS TO UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE TARGETING, AND WHY THEY CARE When you focus more on psychographics, what you are doing is deeply focusing on the emotions and values and problems of the people you envision your book targeting. Psychographics force you to understand your audience, to “walk a mile in their shoes” metaphorically. The best authors use both to deeply understand who their audience is, what they want, and why, and once they understand that, they write a book for a small group of people. This is true even if you want to write a big book that appeals to a bunch of people. To do that, you must start with a small, specific audience. Every book that sells lots of copies starts with Kevin Kelly’s idea of the “1,000 true fans,” which is the microtribe that believes in the idea and champions it to others. That small group of people is the launching pad for all famous books. This is why we always tell authors to focus on the microtribe first. There’s a famous concept in innovation called “crossing the chasm.” It’s where a product tilts into the mass market. It cannot cross the chasm unless you start with your microtribe of “innovators” and “early adopters.” The people who believe in your idea and spread it to others are all you should be concerned about at the beginning, because they are the ones who will push your idea into the mainstream. If you truly want to change the world and reach tons of people, this is how you do it. figUrE OUT yOUr AUDiENCE · 69

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 69 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 68 Page 70