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2. Major Point 2 ◦ Minor Point 1 i. Story A ii. Point B ◦ Minor Point 2 i. Story A ii. Point B There are a few reasons we don’t recommend this style of outline: IT DOESN’T WORK WELL We’ve helped thousands of authors position, structure, and write books, and by this point, we’ve tested everything. We’ve found that the traditional outline style doesn’t work well with most authors. There are several reasons we think it doesn’t work that well (the main one is detailed below), but why it doesn’t work almost doesn’t matter. The fact is, it does NOT work. We developed our style of outlining after testing dozens of different iterations and realizing what actu- ally produced the best books in the shortest time. MOST AUTHORS CAN’T GET TO THAT LEVEL OF DETAIL UNTIL THEY START WRITING For most authors, they have problems actually understanding ahead of time precisely how to lay their books out. This is under- standable; writing and structuring books is hard and very foreign to people who haven’t done it before. We find that the traditional outline structure gets people lost in the outline, and that the best way to actually get people to writing is to chunk up the chapter into sections, have authors write down enough so they understand what they are trying to say and what they need to write, and then figure out the details as they write. CrEATE yOUr BOOk OUTliNE · 105

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 105 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 104 Page 106