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AUDIENCE QUESTION #4: WHAT BENEFIT WILL THEY GET BECAUSE THEY READ AND IMPLEMENT YOUR BOOK? Once this person reads your book and implements your ideas, what happens? Do they only stop experiencing the pain described above, do they get more benefits, or both? What good things will happen as a result of reading your book and implementing your ideas? Most important, what changes or transformation occurs in their life? What is their new life like? EXAMPLES (ALL FROM REAL BOOKS) EXAMPLE 1: JENNIFER, ADVANCE PRACTICE NURSE Who is your Primary Audience (the microtribe your book must reach to achieve its objectives)? Advanced practice nurses interested in starting a healthcare practice. Describe a typical person in your Primary Audience (an avatar). What are they like? Jennifer is an advanced practice nurse who currently works for a physician, hospital, or large practice. She doesn’t make as much money as she feels that she should, and she works long hours that take her away from her family. In order to meet volume quotas and stay on schedule, Jennifer isn’t able to spend much time with her patients. This makes her feel rushed and stressed. She worries that she may be missing things or not providing the quality of care that would be possible if she had more time. Further, she’s not able to practice the type of pre- ventative, relationship-based care that fuels her soul. She is afraid of leaving the security of her current position, but isn’t sure she wants to keep practicing nursing if she doesn’t make figUrE OUT yOUr AUDiENCE · 75

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 75 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 74 Page 76