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a change. She wants to start her own practice, but doesn’t know where to start or what to do. She is looking for guidance and per- mission, but hasn’t found a book, resource, or mentor to help her. What pain are they experiencing because they’ve not read your book? Jennifer feels stressed and rushed at her current job. She is unhappy, unfulfilled, and has considered leaving nursing completely. She is afraid of starting her own practice because she doesn’t know where to start or what to do. She’s afraid she’ll fail. She’s afraid she won’t make any money. She’s a nurse, not an entrepreneur! She isn’t sure if she’s doing things right, which is scary because she likes to follow the rules. All of this uncertainty means it’s taking Jennifer a lot longer than it should to start her practice, leaving her in her current job where she is unhappy. What benefit will they get because they read and implement your book? Jennifer will get a step-by-step guide to start her own practice. The process is no longer mysterious. It now seems achievable. She now knows the applicable laws and regulations, so she has peace of mind knowing she won’t be breaking any rules. With a roadmap and examples of other APNs who have succeeded, Jennifer now has the confidence and permission to start her own practice. Jennifer is less afraid of failure, because she has strategies to mit- igate the risk of starting a business. Jennifer is now fast-tracked to get what she really wants—a better lifestyle (more time to take care of herself, flexibility to be avail- able for family and/or friends); the freedom and autonomy to practice the type of medicine she loves, the ability to benefit from the fruits of her hard labor, and recognition as a leader in her community. 76 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 76 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 75 Page 77