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GOOD EXAMPLES: • “Chiropractors who own their own practices, looking for better ways to market their business.” • “Accredited investors looking for how to get into wine as an investment.” • “Women executives, aged 30-45, who want to have kids but don’t want to compromise their career.” BAD EXAMPLES: • “Women 20-70, suffering, that want to feel better.” • “Any executive who wants to be a better leader.” • “Young men and women looking for something more in life.” HOW CAN YOU TALK TO DIFFERENT AUDIENCES WITH ONE BOOK? You can do this, but it’s complicated. Basically, the only way you can talk to multiple audiences is if: • They tightly overlap. For example, nurses who want to be entre- preneurs and nurses who want to start a medical practice are different audiences, but they overlap very much. • They have the same concern or problem you are solving. For example, people with sleep problems and people with energy issues are different audiences, but if they are both caused by the same thing (a thyroid issue, for example), then they are very different audiences who have the same problem. You can have a few different sets of primary audiences, just make sure if you do, they connect in a very obvious way. AUDIENCE QUESTION #2: DESCRIBE A TYPICAL PERSON IN YOUR PRIMARY AUDIENCE (AN AVATAR). WHAT ARE THEY LIKE? This person is literally who you’re writing the book for. They are your perfect reader. figUrE OUT yOUr AUDiENCE · 73

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 73 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 72 Page 74