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By starting small, you can ensure that your book will definitely reach SOMEONE. This niche focus ensures that your audience will get excited about your ideas, they will implement your ideas, and they will share your ideas with their peers. Anyone who doesn’t meet those criteria is not in your microtribe. The audience you need to reach is directly tied to the results you want, and you can reverse engineer precisely who your audience is by understanding who needs to know about your book to make your results happen. This process is no more complicated than asking yourself a very basic question: “Who MUST know about my book in order for it to get the results I want?” This is results for the reader and for you. For example, if your objective is to help oil and gas executives make better decisions about where to drill, and you want to speak at major oil and gas conferences and become the expert in this space, then your audience is the people who book the speakers for that specific conference (and the executives who attend). If your objective is to help CTO’s recruit engineers better, and raise your authority in the CTO space to get clients for your CTO recruit- ing business that caters to small-to-midsize companies, then chief technology officers from SMBs are your primary audience. If you want to help people deal with their back pain and get visibility in your community to drive clients to your chiropractic practice, then your audience is the people in your community with the health problems that you can address. Pretty simple. 72 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 72 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 71 Page 73