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Promoting supplier In the past year, we significantly increased the in previous years, they reflect our increased In 2020 transparency number of suppliers we asked to participate in ambition to engage more suppliers than ever % CDP’s reporting program, representing 75% of our before as we work toward our new goal. 57 scope 3 emissions. This caused a drop to 70% in Out of the more than 8,000 companies that We expect our suppliers to provide updates the 2020 disclosure percentage of those invited of suppliers disclosed to participate relative to 2019, but is still in line participated in CDP’s 2020 program, we their targets, and around their environmental initiatives, goals with the CDP average of 71%. earned an “A” rating. Of the 154 CDP supply and impact. Since 2010, we have invited select chain member companies inviting suppliers % suppliers to respond to CDP’s Supply Chain self- As part of our new goal to reach net-zero to participate, we were recognized on the 57 assessment questionnaire. Overall, our suppliers emissions by 2025, we have set an ambitious Supplier Engagement Leaderboard for the fourth disclosed the actions are collectively seeing more opportunities to target requiring 90% of our key suppliers, which consecutive year—an honor given to only the top they are taking use emission-reducing energy sources, minimize account for 75% of our scope 3 emissions, to 7% of the companies assessed. the footprint of their goods and services, and disclose their impact and actions being taken align with shifting customer preferences in to reduce emissions through channels like CDP. More information is available in CDP’s Global “Transparency to their reporting. As a company, this comprises three-quarters of Supply Chain Report 2020, our scope 3 emissions—an important and often Transformation: A Chain Reaction.” As a corporate member of CDP’s Supply overlooked metric in addressing climate change. Chain Program, we use CDP tools to promote At Accenture, we know that being a responsible engagement, transparency and sustainable business requires taking responsibility for all business practices with our suppliers. In 2015, our supply chain touchpoints, which is why we we set a goal to encourage 75% of our suppliers developed this new goal. During our first year to disclose their environmental targets and of tracking progress against the new goal, 57% actions taken to reduce their impact. As already of suppliers disclosed their targets, and 57% reported, we met this goal in early 2019. disclosed the actions they are taking. Although these percentages are lower than reported United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020 | 46

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