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The Blockbuster Value Proposition When I was in the eighth grade, I used to pretend I had a stomachache so my mom would take me to work with her. She was a legal secretary at Burbank Studios, and I loved wandering the back lots, hiding on sets and watching crews shoot television shows and movies. Once, I even had a chance to meet Ricardo Montalbán on the set of Fantasy Island! The younger me of 1978 just couldn’t imagine a cooler job. And that’s why the older me of 2012 was particularly excited when a blockbuster movie producer arranged a meeting with me at a bungalow on the same lot. He wanted to consult with me on an idea for a product to see if it “had legs.” FADE IN: EXT. BUNGALOW – MORNING The shot starts long and then pans up through the window of the bungalow. CUT TO: INT. BUNGALOW – MORNING A production assistant leads our UX strategist JAIME into the room. The movie producer PAUL is seated behind his desk. He stands up to greet her. They shake hands and then settle into their seats. The assistant leaves the room. PAUL So I have an idea for an ecommerce site, and I'm hoping you can help me with it. JAIME Let's hear it. PAUL It's like an Wish List for the Busy Man who needs help shopping for his wardrobe. JAIME Can you tell me more about this "Busy Man"? Paul gets really excited. He leans forward and ges-ticulates a lot while describing the Busy Man to Jaime. PAUL He's the guy whose life is his work. He makes good money but doesn't have time to spend it.

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 54 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 53 Page 55

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