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He loves high-end products but hates shopping for them. He's sick of repeating himself to salespeople but still wants to get the VIP treatment. Jaime leans forward, hands resting on her knees. She takes a beat before speaking. JAIME That's very specific. But do you think this is a problem for most busy men? Do you think they need it solved? PAUL Absolutely! I certainly do! In Los Angeles, it’s easy to run into both Hollywood types who pitch movie ideas and tech entrepreneurs who pitch Internet product ideas. What’s funny is how similar they are. Both want to create something original and compelling that makes lots of money. Both need to raise a ton of cash to make their ideas into reality. But, this requires “spinning” a good story in order to convince potential stakeholders and investors that there is an audience out there who will want the idea. Most investors know that the odds are not in their favor because the market is constantly being inundated with schlock — crappy movies and crappy apps. Then again, when something is truly great, the payoff can be major. And not just in terms of the money. Having a “hit” is also what gives us fulfillment as content and product creators. We want to create something that people find useful and meaningful — something maybe even our mom will like! However, there is one major difference between making movies and making digital products. With films, regardless of the strategy — casting big-name actors, sequels to board games, well-worn plots and tropes — there are hardly any opportunities in the process of making the film to “de-risk” it through empirical feedback. Sure, filmmakers can test early cuts on their target market, but typically at that point, reshooting is an unaffordable option. With digital products, you can “test market” your concepts on your target audiences much earlier and with much less fidelity to the intended idea. You can reality check your team and ensure that everyone is on the right path. There is no reason to live on Fantasy Island unless you enjoy the risks of big gambling. LESSONS LEARNED Just because your stakeholders (or you) really want your product, doesn’t mean anybody else will. Most startups fail because the market doesn’t necessarily need the product.

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 55 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 54 Page 56