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Chapter 6. Storyboarding Value Innovation [40] “Reaching beyond existing demand is a key component of achieving value innovation.” — W. CHAN KIM AND RENÉE MAUGBORGNE, BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY IF YOUR GOAL IS TO INVENT, YOU NEED TO LOOK FOR THE BENEFITS that will make your product indispensable to users. That means you need to understand how to break out the big UX moments that need to show incredible value before you move into a formal design phase. To get there, you need to mash up the principles of Tenet 2, Value Innovation, with Tenet 4, Killer UX (Figure 6-1). If you’re a seasoned design professional, be aware that this chapter is not about pushing pixels or making cool-looking deliverables. Instead, it’s about using design hacks to focus your team sharply on identifying and maximizing your product’s potential value innovation. It’s about accelerating your thinking through your product’s ultimate value proposition. Figure 6-1. Tenet 2 and Tenet 4: Value Innovation and Killer UX

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 141 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 140 Page 142