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versus Guerrilla User Research benchmarking product attributes, Measuring raw data points Bensoussan, Babette E., Business and Competitive Analysis, Conducting Competitive Analysis Blank, Steve The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Tenet 3: Validated User Research, Provisional persona layout and breakdown The Startup Owner’s Manual, Tenet 1: Business Strategy writing outline of panels, Creating Prototypes for Experiments “Death by Competitive Analysis”, What Is an Analysis? Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), Tenet 2: Value Innovation, Step 4: Writing the Competitive Analysis Findings Brief, Storyboarding Value Innovation Bonaparte, Napoleon, User Research versus Guerrilla User Research brand strategy, Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy, 9. What is a business case or anecdotal story that you can share that walk us through the steps you have to go through when conducting strategy specifically for an innovative product? Brant Cooper, Lean Entrepreneur, Misinterpretation 3: UX strategy is just product strategy Brown, Sunni, Gamestorming, How I Discovered My UX Strategy Framework, Storyboard the Value Innovation Build-Measure-Learn feedback loops, Customer discovery, How I Became an Experiment Addict building consensus, on shared vision, 7. Have you ever conducted any form of experiments on your product or UX strategy, whether it be trying to get market validation on a value proposition or testing prototypes on target customers? How do you get closer to the truth while you are conducting strategy? Buley, Leah, The User Experience Team of One, Guerrilla User Research:

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 331 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 330 Page 332

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