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Figure 4-24. Competitive Advantage result sample Heuristic evaluation Heuristic is a fancy word that means experimentation and trial-by-error. In other words, get firsthand experience using the product to see how it works for you, personally. What do you think? You basically want to quickly evaluate whether the site is usable. You probably don’t have time for anything exhaustive, so just do a quick evaluation, such as that shown in Figure 4-25, and give the product an overall grade of “A” to “F.” You can use the following questions as a guide: Does the experience allow the user to easily accomplish her primary goal? Is it intuitive? Are the navigation, page/screen layouts, and visual design consistent? Is it easy to find, search, and browse the content or services being offered? Is the user feedback (for instance, error messaging) satisfactory? Is there a live help or a support system in place?

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 103 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 102 Page 104

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