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Video takeover products Let’s say your brand’s about to have a big moment: launching a new product, brand message, or looking to reach a massive audience on a specific day (like a holiday or event). Time to tell e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e. When you want to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time, we recommend our takeover products. This is the best way to achieve quality reach at scale. Friendly Reminder: These must be purchased through your Twitter Account Manager and are not part of the the Reach Objective. Here are the takeover products we offer. • First View • Promoted Trend • Promoted Trend Spotlight First View Maximize reach on Twitter for 24 hours with exclusive ownership of Twitter’s most premium video impressions served at the top of the timeline and throughout the app. 10

Video Views Objective Playbook - Page 10 Video Views Objective Playbook Page 9 Page 11