Introduction Climate Change Resources Smarter Chemistry Engagement and Advocacy Appendix 2023 Environmental Progress Report 18 Retail stores: In 2022, we were especially focused on our Finally, across Apple, “energy champions” play an Improving energy efficiency We support our suppliers’ energy efficiency projects by 69.4M efficiency measures in European retail stores as the region important role in achieving our efficiency outcomes. in our supply chain helping to identify optimization opportunities and design navigated energy shortages. Beyond aligning with all These employees sit in facilities roles across the company, solutions through assessments, and providing extensive We reduced Apple’s mandates in place, we established a task force to exceed proactively identifying opportunities for efficiencies and The manufacturing of Apple products accounts education and training opportunities that include facilities energy use by them, identifying and rolling out additional measures — bringing their teams and colleagues along to put them for 65 percent of Apple’s gross carbon footprint. To technical assistance and connections to external funding 69. 4 m illion kilowatt-hours related to LED lighting, temperature, and even keeping in action. address this impact, we’re collaborating closely with our for energy efficiency projects, which can be an obstacle through efficiency efforts doors closed — in retail stores across the continent. suppliers to prioritize energy reductions as an important to making improvements. As suppliers become more implemented in 2022. In 2022, our energy efficiency program avoided element of our strategy. Together, we work to use clean knowledgeable in this space, they become more able to Measurement and accountability: Measurement is 69. 4 m illion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which includes energy as efficiently as possible at every point in our tackle deeper decarbonization challenges. critical to maintaining building energy performance. We savings from the efficient servers, and 161,000 therms supply chain, creating leaner, more efficient factories all continue to develop our system of energy tracking and of natural gas per year through adjustments made to over the world. The Supplier Energy Efficiency Program, We continue to expand the support we provide to 1.3M benchmarking, which includes data from utility meters 9. 3 million square feet of new and existing buildings. launched in 2015, exists to help our suppliers optimize suppliers as they build more energy-efficient systems, that continuously monitor 15-minute electricity and daily Together, these new initiatives reduced total energy use their energy use. Implementing energy efficiencies through new training and educational materials, and Suppliers in our Supplier reduces the energy intensity of manufacturing, which Energy Efficiency Program natural gas energy consumption. This method helps us by 4 percent in the targeted buildings (including data increased access to funding opportunities — like the avoided more than 1. 3 million identify performance issues at our sites early. We can centers with high loads) and will avoid an additional translates to reduced carbon emissions. Asia Green Fund, which Apple launched in 2019 to help annualized metric tons then take corrective action to restore building system 2 7, 500 metric tons of CO 2 e per year. Combined with provide energy efficiency expertise and finance capital- of supply chain carbon efficiencies and actively manage our energy footprint. ongoing energy savings from past years, we saved over Energy efficiency gains and subsequent carbon savings intensive energy efficiency projects. In 2022, $8. 9 m illion emissions in 2022. 89, 000 metric tons of CO 2 e in 2022. are often found at the facility level — for example, by of investments have been made in supplier efficiency replacing outdated and inefficient lighting and equipment projects using the Asia Green Fund. or capturing waste heat for reuse. Honing manufacturing processes using smart controls and monitoring can In 2022, m ore than 100 supplier facilities participated also offer opportunities to complete the same work with in our energy efficiency program, achieving over less electricity. 1. 6 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity savings and about 2,039, 000 MMBtu in additional energy savings, which together avoided over 1. 3 million metric tons of CO 2 e, representing a 17 percent increase since 2021.
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