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Introduction Climate Change Resources Smarter Chemistry Engagement and Advocacy Appendix 2023 Environmental Progress Report 29 FEATURE Advocating for strong climate policies The scientific community has laid Our climate policy advocacy centers on the Encouraging and enabling high-quality measurement [We] believe that both corporate out a clear rationale for mitigating following principles: and disclosure of emissions the impacts of climate change by Governments should require that companies measure and regulatory action are reducing emissions — and they’ve Setting strong science-based targets their emissions along the entire value chain and disclose Policy makers need to set strong science-based targets those emissions publicly. Developing clear rules for necessary to prevent the worst provided stark warnings for the to reduce emissions in line with the Paris Agreement and disclosure across all scopes of emissions will create best consequences of inaction. In addition limit warming to 1.5° C. practices, enhance the transparency and integrity of impacts of climate change and to strong actions by businesses claims, and promote competitive innovation. Governments and individuals, we need strong Rapidly decarbonizing through economy-wide should align to have the same high-quality standards. have a strong interest in the government policies that support a and sectoral policies Rapid decarbonization requires every sector of the Ensuring high-quality solutions implementation of sound public just climate transition. That’s why economy to adopt new zero-carbon technologies as Governments should establish or oversee systems Apple believes that advocating for fossil fuels phase out. We not only support economy-wide to track and verify renewable energy credits and policies to reduce greenhouse strong climate policies is a core part policies but also acknowledge that each sector responds carbon credits to avoid double-counting, to incentivize to different signals and the maturity of technologies participation, and to ensure environmental integrity. These of our climate strategy. to decarbonize them isn’t equal. Apple’s advocacy for credits should be transparent and verified to provide gas emissions. sectoral approaches includes these principles: confidence to the public, and they promote energy Apple has a long history of advocating for strong climate • Promote economy-wide carbon pricing programs solutions that significantly reduce emissions, including Brief Amici Curiae of Apple et al., policies. And in 2022 Apple, joined by other companies, with strong interim and long-term targets and consideration of the full value chain impact. West Virginia vs EPA (2022). submitted an Amicus Brief, urging the Supreme Court to accountability mechanisms. uphold the U.S. EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse • Advocate for policies that make it easier and more Centering equity and justice in climate solutions gases from power plants. cost-effective to deploy renewable energy. Climate policies should support the development of • Support policies that promote energy efficiency the new green economy, with new job opportunities across all sectors, including for manufactured goods. focused on advancing clean innovation. Equity should be • Invest in mature and new zero-emission technologies a guiding principle of policies supporting this economy. to cut emissions, particularly in hard-to- Communities that have been disproportionately impacted decarbonize sectors. by climate change should benefit from the economic opportunities of potential solutions.

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