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Introduction Climate Change Resources Smarter Chemistry Engagement and Advocacy Appendix 2023 Environmental Progress Report 53 We also focus on using less so that we reduce the and data centers are participating in composting. We’re of our waste. This data will allow for better assessment landfill. Our Zero Waste Program provides training and waste to be recycled or sent to landfill. By identifying also using technology to improve our diversion rates at of our waste practices and opportunities to improve our tools to help suppliers track their waste, set waste- significant sources of waste — like packaging materials corporate locations. At our offices in Santa Clara Valley approaches. We also launched site-specific zero-waste minimization goals, and create improvement plans toward 150 and commonly used equipment — and then working and Culver City, California, we piloted waste sensor training for all Apple data centers. All new data center achieving zero waste for their operations. with our suppliers, we’ve found bulk packaging solutions technology, a system that employs cameras and data employees are now required to complete the site-specific Over 150 Apple and recyclable and reusable alternatives. Across our collection within dumpsters to monitor contamination zero-waste training and receive manager approval of We make available to all facilities participating in the supplier facilities are data center sites, we’re switching to reusable air filters. and increase diversion efficiency. The data provides completion. Finally, we’ve standardized signage at our program resources and guidance on how to reduce zero-waste verified. Previously, there were no off-the-shelf reusable air filters collectors with accurate information on volume to inform data centers with contextual signs for logistics and waste and then reuse, recycle, or compost the waste they available for our application. In 2019, we partnered with scheduling of pickups and the use of appropriately sized operations, as well as for office and administrative sites. do create. Suppliers at these locations can also access an industry-leading automotive filtration and technology hauling containers. tools to improve waste management and, in some cases, company to design a sustainable solution that met very Taking a zero-waste approach onsite support. The program is making an impact: In specific design criteria for our design centers. And more We remain committed to the safe and responsible with our suppliers 2022, suppliers redirected 523, 000 m etric tons of waste than 38,000 reusable high-performance air filters — management of hazardous waste. So that wastes from landfills (up from 491, 000 m etric tons the previous 2.5M which are available for other companies to use — have are treated, recycled, or incinerated according to We’re committed to leaving no waste behind in the year), bringing the total to 2. 5 m illion metric tons since been placed in Apple-managed facilities worldwide to safety and environmental standards in the U.S., Apple communities where we build our products. Our suppliers, the program’s inception — the equivalent of eliminating 2. 5 m illion metric tons of date. By replacing disposable air filters with reusable performs audits of treatment, storage, and disposal recyclers, and waste solution providers are central to 3. 1 m illion square meters of landfill space. Throughout waste were redirected from ones, we avoid landfilling 25 tons of dirty filters each year. facilities (TSDFs), with 12 performed in 2022. We achieving this goal. We’re working with them to eliminate 2022, 100 percent of established final assembly sites — landfill by supplier facilities Further, the reusable air filters are more energy efficient, continually reevaluate the facilities used for disposal and waste from our manufacturing processes. Since we including for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, AirPods, as part of Apple’s Zero leading to 35 percent savings in fan energy use. And we management of hazardous and regulated wastes, working launched the Zero Waste Program for our manufacturing HomePod, Apple TV, and Beats — maintained zero- Waste Program. intend to rely exclusively on reusable filters at data centers to assess disposal method, availability, economics, partners in 2015, we’ve continued to make considerable waste-to-landfill operations. 71 from here on out. and sustainability. progress. And this program has expanded to include more than 300 supplier facilities across 14 countries And we’re working on the next challenge in achieving We’re working to keep waste that’s unavoidable out of Driving solutions internally through and regions. zero waste, which is a level deeper into the subassembly landfills. This requires sorting items correctly to redirect communication, reporting, and education module suppliers who assemble the individual waste to recycling and composting where possible. To Our employees are one of our best resources in achieving In 2022, we shifted our Zero Waste Program from an components that make up Apple products. The enable this, we make clearly labeled containers available our zero-waste goals. They play a critical role in reporting opt-in effort for suppliers to a requirement as part of our waste stream at this level is often more complex than throughout our locations. For example, we’re working on waste and facilitating waste audits at our locations. We Supplier Code of Conduct. This means that suppliers final assembly sites, but we’re making progress. This to reduce contamination and increase recycling rates support these efforts with training, education, and access are now required to implement a systematic approach to year, module suppliers — including core technology by continuing to roll out consolidated bins for recycling, to resources. In 2022, we standardized waste reporting identifying all sources of waste and characterizing each suppliers — that are participating in the Zero Waste composting, and landfill and by improving signage. We requirements across all our data centers and corporate stream in the waste inventory, developing a program or Program increased by 50 percent . Eliminating landfill recycle paper, plastic, aluminum, and cardboard materials offices and implemented a centralized dashboard system. solution to quantify and monitor their waste-to-landfill waste across these sites marks both a significant effort at most of our corporate and retail sites worldwide. And Our retail auditing program examined 13 locations in diversion rate, setting waste-minimization goals, and and an achievement, diverting more than 357, 000 m etric more than 450 of our corporate offices, retail stores, North America, documenting the material characteristics maintaining progress toward achieving zero waste to tons of waste from landfills.

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