Introduction Climate Change Resources Smarter Chemistry Engagement and Advocacy Appendix 2023 Environmental Progress Report 13 Carbon neutrality for our scope 1 , 2, and 3 emissions (for a total of 324, 100 m etric averages. We continually refine our model to include new transition effects of climate change. To align with the corporate emissions tons) by securing high-quality carbon credits from sources of product life cycle data — and offer a more Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures projects that protect and restore forests, wetlands, accurate and transparent assessment of our footprint. Our (TCFD) recommendations, we considered a range We’re committed to Since April 2020, we’ve been carbon neutral for our and grasslands. comprehensive carbon footprint and our methodology are of future scenarios, including a scenario below 2° C. managing regulatory, corporate operations, including direct emissions ( scope 1); assessed by a third party each year to confirm accuracy Our assessment had a global scope to capture all our reputational, and market risks indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heat, Measuring our footprint and transparency (see Appendix D ). Improving the corporate facilities — including offices, retail locations, related to climate change. or cooling ( scope 2); and emissions from business travel accuracy of our carbon footprint is an ongoing process — and data centers — as well as 200 supplier facilities, For more information on and employee commute (scope 3). In 2022, we expanded We account for our carbon footprint by following as we learn more, we refine our carbon models and based on spend. The analysis highlighted how our these climate-related risks the scope 3 emissions we include in our corporate internationally recognized standards, like the World and Apple’s governance adjust our climate road map. We also regularly revisit the renewable energy program and carbon neutrality goals of these risks, read our footprint and are now also carbon neutral for work from Resources Institute (WRI) Greenhouse Gas Protocol boundary of our footprint to best reflect our impact. For could contribute to our corporate resilience. It also CDP Climate Change 2022 home, third-party cloud services, electricity transmission and ISO 14040/14044. For our corporate footprint, we example, in 2022, we expanded our corporate footprint provided environmental data that we considered when submission (PDF). and distribution losses, and upstream impacts from calculate emissions based on consumption data when to include work from home emissions, third-party cloud developing business strategies, including around supply scope 1 fuels. To reach neutrality, we focused on driving available; when it’s not available, we rely on reasonable services, electricity transmission and distribution losses, chain diversification, and when safeguarding our global energy efficiency improvements and transitioning our assumptions and methodologies to estimate emissions, and upstream impacts from scope 1 fuels. assets. The results of the scenario analysis contributed to facilities to 100 percent renewable electricity, which we which we revisit and improve on regularly. For our product a larger body of internal assessments on the physical and achieved in 2018. These programs have reduced our hardware carbon footprint, we use a life cycle–based Evaluating climate risks transition impacts of climate change on our business. scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 67 percent since 2011, approach. Apple-specific data drives many of our when we first began procuring renewable electricity, even most critical calculations; in cases where that data isn’t In 2020, we conducted a climate scenario analysis to as our business grew. We’ve addressed the remaining available, we rely on secondary sources, including industry help us better understand the potential physical and Corporate Emissions Carbon Removals (having already reduced scope 1 and 2 emissions by 67% since 2011*) Scope 1 and 2 Scope 3 324,100 metric tons CO 2 e 58,220 metric tons CO 2 e 265,840 metric tons CO 2 e carbon neutral for our corporate operations High-quality carbon Offices Retail stores Data centers Employee commute Business travel Work from home offset projects * W e’ve reduced corporate emissions through energy efficiency, renewable electricity, and low-carbon fuels, and we’re applying carbon offsets to the remaining emissions.
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