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      Annual ESG Report | Siris

      Siris seek to invest responsibly and to incorporate the consideration of environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) factors into the firm’s investment and portfolio company oversight processes.

      2022 Annual ESG Report SIRIS CAPITAL GROUP, LLC

      Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 1

      Disclaimer All content provided in this presentation (the “Presentation”), such as photographs, articles, logos, or other materials, is the property of Siris or others noted herein and is protected by copyright, trademark, or other laws. By receiving or reviewing this Presentation, you agree that the Presentation is the property of Siris and that you will not directly or indirectly copy, modify, post, publish, or redistribute this Presentation or any of the information herein without Siris’ prior written consent. The information contained herein is based on current and contemplated processes, data, expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs as of the date hereof and reflects current views in relation to possible future events, processes and financial and operational performance, and various other models, estimates and assumptions, including events that have not occurred, any of which may prove incorrect. Neither Siris nor any of its affiliates make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and nothing contained herein should be relied upon as a promise or representation as to past or future performance. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. There can be no assurance that the initiatives described herein will be completed as expected or at all. Certain information contained herein constitutes “forward-looking statements,” some of which can be identified by the use of terms such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “project”, “forecast,” “estimate”, “intend”, “continue,” “target” or “believe” (or the negatives thereof) or other variations thereon or comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the control of Siris. The actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities could differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the forward-looking statements. Additional risks of which Siris is not currently aware also could cause actual results to differ. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statements. The forward-looking events discussed in this presentation may not occur. Siris undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Third-party logos included herein are provided for illustrative purposes only. Unless specifically stated otherwise, inclusion of such logos does not imply affiliation with or endorsement by such firms or businesses. There is no guarantee that Siris or its portfolio companies will work with any of the firms or businesses whose logos are included herein in the future. If the recipient receives a request under any law to provide, copy or allow inspection of this information, the recipient agrees to (i) provide prompt notice of the request to Siris, (ii) assert all applicable exemptions available under law and (iii) cooperate with Siris to seek to prevent disclosure or to obtain a protective order or other assurance that the information regarding or otherwise relating to Siris will be accorded confidential treatment. Siris reserves the right to modify any of the information at any time without notice to any recipient. Siris does not undertake any duty to update, correct or supplement any of the information. The information may not be reproduced and may not be used by or disclosed to others at any time, in whole or in part, for any purpose without the prior written consent of Siris. By accepting the information, each recipient agrees to abide by the restrictions and obligations set forth herein. There is no guarantee that the criteria utilized or judgment exercised by Siris or any third-party environmental, social or governance ("ESG") advisor will reflect the beliefs, values, policies or preferred practices of any particular limited partner or other asset managers or reflect market trends. The consideration of ESG factors may cause Siris to make or not make and investment and/or management decisions such that the Fund may perform differently from investment funds that do not take ESG factors into account or take ESG factors into account in a different way. Siris will rely on information from third-parties that it does not intend to independently verify which may be incomplete or inaccurate and could cause the Siris to incorrectly identify, prioritize, assess, analyze or omit to examine in detail ESG practices and/or related risks and opportunities. ESG practices are evolving rapidly and there are different principles, frameworks, methodologies and tracking tools being implemented by asset managers. Siris’ adoption of and adherence to such principles, frameworks, methodologies and tools may vary over time. These initiatives may not align with the approach used by other asset managers or preferred by prospective investors or with future market trends. There is also growing and evolving regulatory interest in ESG across jurisdictions and potentially increased related enforcement actions. The regulatory landscape on ESG is subject to change. Siris cannot guarantee that its current approach will meet future regulatory requirements, the requirements of ESG reporting frameworks or best practices, nor that it will avoid regulatory scrutiny or enforcement actions. Any ESG or impact, targets, programmes, commitments, incentives, initiatives, or benefits referenced in any information, reporting or disclosures published by Siris are not being promoted and do not bind any investment decisions made in respect of, or the management or stewardship of, any funds managed by Siris for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector. Any measures implemented in respect of such targets, programmes, commitments, incentives, initiatives, or benefits may not be immediately applicable to the investments of any funds managed by Siris and any implementation can be overridden or ignored at Siris’ sole discretion. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 2

      Annual Report Overview Our Commitment to ESG 04 Progress and Achievements 10 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Siris 15 Citizenship and Philanthropy 18 A Year in Review – ESG Across the Portfolio 21 Case Studies 25 Final Reflections 38 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 3

      Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 3

      Our Commitment to ESG

      A Message from Our Leadership We are pleased to publish Siris’ 2022 Annual ESG Report and demonstrate our continued commitment to managing our investments in a responsible manner. We believe in the strength of corporate citizenship and the value of a diverse and inclusive team. We remain committed to deploying capital responsibly and where appropriate, thoughtfully integrating ESG considerations into our investment decisions. Our leadership has engaged meaningfully in the past year to implement a series of steps to strengthen and improve our ESG initiatives. First, we broadened the collection and monitoring of key ESG performance metrics across our portfolio. Second, we integrated ESG topics into our portfolio company governance model. Lastly, we performed an ESG maturity and risk assessment across the portfolio, which provided recommendations Jeffrey Hendren for improvement. We are excited to share our progress and our future plans with you. Co-Founder & Managing Partner ESG Committee Co-Chair 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 5

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      Firm Overview Siris was founded in 2011 to bring a new thinking and a distinct approach to tech & telecom private equity investing. To date, Siris has raised more than $5.9 billion of cumulative committed capital and is currently targeting investment opportunities with transaction values of $500 million to $5 billion.1 In 2022: Year Founded Cumulative Capital • Siris supported in the process 2011 $5.9B Commitments1 of identifying and appointment of five new diverse board members Employees1 Siris Partners IV at portfolio companies ~50 $3.45B LP Fund1 • Siris conducted 10+ portfolio-wide forums to share best practices with Portfolio Company 50+ portfolio company leaders on 8 Portfolio Companies1 ~22K Employees2 ESG topics such as DE&I, data privacy and employee benefits and welfare In October 2021, Siris became a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Siris is proud to partner with the following associations that reflect the values and culture of the firm:3 1. As of January 2023 2. As of September 2022 3. There can be no assurance that Siris will continue to partner with such third-party firms in the future 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 6

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      Our Carbon Footprint Climate change is a central topic in global ESG conversations. In 2022, we began our journey to understand how we, at a firm-level, can play a role in the fight against climate change. We completed our first firm-level carbon footprint using the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting standard.1 Recognizing the impact of 2020 travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, we chose to use 2019 as a baseline year. We are currently developing carbon reduction-related policies and strategies to reduce our footprint over time. Emissions by Category 2019 2020 2021 % Change (MTC0 e) (’21 vs ’19) 2 Total Scope 12 - - - - Total Scope 23 29.8 20.4 24.2 (19%) Total Scope 34 361.0 63.5 130.0 (64%) Total Emissions 390.8 83.8 154.2 (61%) 1. GHG Protocol ( establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard provides requirements and guidance for companies and other organizations preparing a corporate-level GHG emissions inventory 2. Scope 1 emissions for 2019, 2020 and 2021 are not applicable as Siris does not have emissions that occur from sources that are controlled or owned by the organization. 3. Scope 2 emissions for 2019 and 2020 only included emissions associated with Siris’ New York, NY office space. 2021 Scope 2 emissions include emissions associated with Siris’ New York, NY, and Palo Alto, CA office space. In some cases, monthly averages were used to estimate utilities. 4. Scope 3 emissions for 2019 and 2020 include Siris’ business air, rail, and car travel for all employees, waste generation for Siris’ New York, NY office space and employee commute data. Scope 3 emissions for 2021 include Siris’ business air, rail, and car travel for all employees, waste generation for Siris’ New York, NY, and Palo Alto, CA office space, but exclude employee commute data. Siris’ financed emissions are not included in 2019, 2021 and 2022 Scope 3 data. For 2019, 2020 and 2021, rail emissions were estimated using spend-based method, and 2016 US Industries Commodities EEIO emission factors and waste-generated emissions were estimated using latest MSW Facts & Figures (2012). 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 7

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      Our Commitment to ESG Through engagement and monitoring, we are committed to integrating ESG considerations both at Siris and at our portfolio companies. From our investment decision making process to post-acquisition portfolio initiatives, we strive to continue identifying material ESG risks and improving ESG processes. Although we have made significant progress, we recognize that ESG is a continuous and evolving journey. We look forward to continuing our legacy of community involvement while strengthening our ESG practices within our organization. “We recognize that even Environmental small steps can meaningfully influence positive change and we embrace our Social responsibility to promote sustainable growth.” Tracy Harris ESG Committee Co-Chair, Partner, Governance Product Strategy & Investor Relations 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 8

      Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 8

      Our Commitment to ESG Siris’ current approach and future plans encompass the following goals and commitments: ESG Integration Accountability and Transparency • Incorporate ESG considerations into Siris’ • Continue our oversight of ESG related matters pre-acquisition diligence and post-acquisition through Siris’ ESG Committee, Operating Committee, processes and portfolio company boards • Periodically engage and collaborate with • Aim to strengthen our investor and stakeholder portfolio companies’ leadership teams on ESG reporting through the inclusion of key ESG material ESG risks metrics in our Annual ESG reporting. Continue • Continue to incorporate ESG considerations periodic reporting to LPs on material developments into Siris’ operations and encourage portfolio • Continue to prepare for public reporting in companies to adopt similar standards accordance with UN PRI guidelines beginning in 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Corporate Citizenship • Actively promote diverse perspectives • Provide meaningful employee engagement w opportunities that benefit our local community ithin Siris and its portfolio companies • Continue to support external nonprofits that • Encourage employees to support non-profits, promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within community organizations, and foundations to the investment management industry facilitate involvement in broader community • Support strategies for improvement within our initiatives which could include education, job portfolio and to continue to monitor portfolio- training, arts and culture, and health wide diversity, equity, and inclusion metrics • Promote socially responsible behavior As of January 2023, the above is for illustrative purposes and is subject to change. There can 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 9 be no assurance that the initiatives described above will be completed as expected or at all.

      Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 9

      Progress and Achievements There is no guarantee that Siris will successfully implement and make investments in companies that create positive ESG impact while enhancing long-term shareholder value and achieving financial returns. To the extent that Siris engages with companies on ESG-related practices and potential enhancements thereto, such engagements may not achieve the desired financial and social results, or the market or society may not view any such changes as desirable.

      ESG at the Firm Over the past few years, Siris has formalized its ESG program to build on historical processes that incorporated ESG factors into our investment process. Our formalized ESG program encompasses several key elements: • Responsible Investment Policy, which seeks to align with the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, and where appropriate, guide our ESG investment philosophy • ESG Committee oversight of ESG implementation • Formal operational ESG deal due diligence process, driven by Siris’ investment team • DE&I program guided by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 11

      Sourcing and Idea Generation Strategically focus on potential opportunities in technology and technology related business models, eliminating certain types of industries that are normally excluded from the universe of ESG investing. Pre-Acquisition Diligence As part of the pre-acquisition diligence process, perform preliminary due ESG diligence and leverage third-party advisors to assess material ESG risks. Integration Develop recommendations to mitigate identified risks, where applicable. Process ESG Committee Oversight We believe that the thoughtful Present results of the ESG risk assessment to the ESG Committee for review integration of ESG into our and recommendations. Discuss and consider ESG-related diligence in the investment practices presents Investment Committee and decision-making process. an opportunity to help achieve positive outcomes for our portfolio Ongoing Monitoring & Benchmarking companies’ constituents, including employees, customers, and As part of each new investment’s 100-day plan, address material ESG risks and communities. Beyond formalizing opportunities identified during the pre-acquisition diligence process. Monitor our existing practices, Siris will and define key ESG metrics, based on topic materiality and relevance. Integrate continue to build upon its ESG- ESG, where appropriate, into board meetings and board committee charters. related policies and practices in line with globally recognized frameworks. Our ESG integration processes Exit Preparation includes the following actions. Continue to monitor and report on material ESG metrics in support of ESG positioning for the company upon exit. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 12

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      1 ESG in Portfolio Management We have implemented a series of steps to strengthen and improve ESG practices across our portfolio over the past year, including: • Revamped portfolio company board structure to include (i) human capital committees with charters that address diversity, equity, and inclusion and (ii) audit and risk committees with charters that address other ESG topics • Formalized audit and risk committee oversight of enterprise-wide risk 2022 Portfolio-wide and ESG topics, including environmental sustainability, cybersecurity, Best Practices Sharing data privacy, anti-bribery and corruption, and employee conduct • Added independent and diverse board of director members in portfolio • DE&I companies to help ensure a diversity of thoughts and perspectives • Employee benefits and wellbeing • Conducted portfolio-wide ESG risk and maturity assessments by an • Employee engagement independent third party and inclusive of a wide range of environment, social, and governance topics • Customer experience and satisfaction • Continued portfolio-wide cybersecurity risk and maturity assessments, • Employee retention and engagement with an independent third party, covering policies, controls, and governance • Leadership training and development • Collected portfolio-wide ESG metrics in line with industry-wide best • Cybersecurity practices, including the ESG Data Convergence Initiative • Data privacy • Continued to host ongoing cross-portfolio forums to share ESG best practices with portfolio company leadership 1. Please refer to Page 2 for important information and disclaimer statements. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 13

      ESG Oversight In November 2020, Siris established its ESG Committee under ESG Committee Members the guidance of its Managing Partners to lead Siris on its journey to build a comprehensive ESG program. The ESG Committee is comprised of senior leaders across the business who review ESG best practices and consider ways to incorporate such practices into our operations, investments, and portfolio company oversight activities. Jeffrey Hendren Tracy Harris ESG Committee Co-Chair, ESG Committee Co-Chair, Managing Partner Partner, Product Strategy & Investor Relations “Influential ESG practices are dependent upon good governance and oversight. At Siris, we are committed Elias Mendoza Sandeep Guleria Partner and Managing Director, to reviewing our ESG Chief Operating Officer Investment Team policies and procedures and enhancing our program appropriately.” Sabina Haq Sabina Haq Dan Goetz Chief Compliance Officer Chief Compliance Officer Managing Director, and Senior Legal Counsel and Senior Legal Counsel Value Creation 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 14

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      Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Siris’ approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion today is rooted in our founders’ historic commitment to promoting diverse perspectives across our Firm. Our team has formalized this commitment by establishing a DE&I Council, publishing a DE&I policy and strengthening both firm-level and portfolio company DE&I metrics collection. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Mission Statement Siris is committed to a workplace culture that values and promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and equal employment opportunities. 1 Siris Diversity Metrics Percentage of Siris employees and executive partners from diverse backgrounds (including gender). 38% of Partners 36% of Investment Professionals 50% of Overall Firm 1. As of December 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 16

      Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 16

      Siris Firm-Level Approach to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Govern and Engage • DE&I council executes mission and periodically engages with external partners, and solicits internal feedback • Formal DE&I Policy provides guidance and philosophy Train • Provide DE&I training: interviewing, inclusion, unconscious bias • Establish career development tools and policies to enhance leadership diversity In February 2022, Siris, in collaboration with its portfolio company Digital River, sponsored Act a virtual event in recognition • Support and engage with non-profit organizations to of Black History Month. support furthering DE&I initiatives within the investment Siris Co-Founder and Managing Partner management industry Frank Baker conducted a fireside chat • Continue to strengthen our program through periodically with a member of Digital River’s Diversity engaging with external DE&I advisors and Inclusion Council. In the discussion, • Build and strengthen diverse candidate pipelines Frank reflected on his own personal experiences and career journey, the challenges of inequality, and the value Measure and impact of diversity, equity, and • Consistently monitor our team diversity, including the diversity inclusion. of our candidate pools The event was attended by more than • Provide qualitative feedback tools in annual review 1,000 employees across Siris and its portfolio companies. Continuously Improve • Foster a culture of inclusion and find opportunities to improve 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 17

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          Citizenship & Philanthropy

          Corporate Citizenship and Community Engagement As a firm, we are committed to contributing positively to the communities in which we operate and supporting initiatives to protect our natural environment. We encourage our employees to support nonprofit organizations through volunteer efforts. The Siris Citizenship Council engages with our employees by encouraging them to identify meaningful causes to support. Corporate citizenship and community engagement are core to our organizational culture. Our corporate citizenship philosophy focuses on three pillars: Learn 1 CSR and Partner Organizations Support educational initiatives to enable individuals Siris proudly supports the following nonprofit to develop the skillsets and knowledge base required organizations that align with our core citizenship values: to participate in the modern economy, including Private Equity and Technology. Support opportunities to help our employees learn how their actions can be more socially responsible for the benefit of both people and the planet. Earn Enable underprivileged groups to gain financial security through enabling increased access to professional roles in finance and technology industries. Return Engage with our community and our natural environment not only through financial support, but also through investment in time, networking, 1. There can be no assurances that Siris will continue to partner sponsorship, mentorship, and social capital. with such third-party firms in the future. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 19

          Annual ESG Report | Siris - Page 19

          Corporate Citizenship and Community Engagement In September 2022, a team of Siris employees participated in a volunteer program to beautify and maintain Hudson River Park’s waterside landscape. The Siris crew made a meaningful impact, collecting more than three cubic yards of debris that were repurposed for composting and redistributed back into the park. In addition to clearing overgrown areas, the crew collected almost twenty pounds of garbage and removed and destroyed non-native invasive species that negatively impact this fragile waterfront ecosystem. In addition to these volunteer efforts, Siris is proud to support Hudson River Park through a Corporate Partnership. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 20

          A Year in Review – ESG Across the Portfolio The information in the portfolio metric and case studies herein has been provided by the respective portfolio companies. Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. There is no guarantee that Siris will successfully implement and make investments in companies that create positive ESG impact while enhancing long-term shareholder value and achieving financial returns. To the extent that Siris engages with companies on ESG-related practices and potential enhancementsthereto, such engagements may not achieve the desired financial and social results, or the market or society may not view any such changes as desirable.

          A Year in Review –ESG Across the Portfolio Throughout the past year, Siris leadership executed a series of initiatives to strengthen and improve the ESG performance of our portfolio companies. Building on the baseline we established last year, we broadened the collection and monitoring of key ESG performance metrics. In tandem, we performed ESG risk and maturity assessments on our portfolio companies, which provided recommendations for continued improvement. We are pleased to present our inaugural metrics outlining 1 the DE&I and ESG performance of our portfolio companies. 1. Information was compiled in 2H’2022 for the year ended December 2021. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 22

          A Year in Review –DE&I Across the Portfolio1 Siris’ commitment to DE&I is embedded in the culture of the firm. We recognize that our human capital allows us to create 63% 50% 63% value, and we continue to encourage our portfolio companies to enhance the diversity of their management teams and talent pipelines, support causes that Have 30% or more of their Have 30% or more of their US Have one or more board champion DE&I, and implement DE&I best US based workforce that based workforce that is from an members that identify practices. In 2022, Siris strengthened its identifies as female under-represented ethnic group as female collection of portfolio wide DE&I metrics and helped drive accountability for DE&I programs within its portfolio companies. 75% 75% 88% 75% Have one or more board Have one or more non- Conduct an annual employee Have a Diversity, Equity, members that is from an executive board members engagement survey & Inclusion charter under-represented ethnic group In 2022, Siris portfolio companies welcomed five diverse directors to their respective boards: Gail Johnson Ami Olli Cheryl Millington CHRO at the Executive EVP and General Council EQ/Equiniti Director (Since ’18), Leadership Council of VMware Director at AXA UK, Hays, and Atom Bank Erin Nelson Jill Larsen Chief People Officer at PTC, CEO of Social Solutions Director at Definitive Healthcare, Sterling 1. Refer to page 2 for important information and disclaimer statements. Information was compiled in 2H’2022 for the year ended December 2021. 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 23

          A Year in Review –ESG Across the Portfolio1 Across our portfolio companies, Siris has identified the following key ESG metrics based on 2 3 4 existing ESG frameworks such as SASB , TCFD and the ESG Data Convergence Initiative : Environmental Social Governance 3 of 8 Have an Anti-Discrimination/ Have a Business 88% Harassment Policy Measure renewable 88% Continuity Plan and non-renewable energy consumption 75% Have an Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy 2 of 8 Have a Data Security 75% and Privacy Policy 75% Have a Whistleblower Policy Measure Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions 25% Have an ESG/ 2 of 8 Sustainability Policy Report number 50% of employee Have a Waste and/or volunteer hours Water Management Policy of 8 5 of 8 6 1. Refer to page 2 for important information and disclaimer statements. Information was compiled in 2H’2022 for the year ended December 2021. Provide Cybersecurity Provide Code of 2. The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards ( enable organizations to provide industry-based sustainability disclosures about risks and opportunities that affect enterprise value. SASB Standards identify the subset of Policy Training Conduct training environmental, social and governance issues most relevant to financial performance and enterprise value for 77 industries. 3. The Financial Stability Board created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) ( to improve and increase reporting of climate-related financial information. 4. ESG Data Convergence Initiative ( "The ESG Data Convergence Initiative is an open partnership of private equity stakeholders committed to streamlining the private investment industry’s historically fragmented approach to collecting and reporting ESG data." 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 24

          Case Studies ESG goals are aspirational and not guarantees or promises that all goals will be met. The select investments presented herein are provided to illustrate the application of Siris Capital’s ESG strategy with respect to certain of its portfolio investments only, and do not bind any investment decisions or the management or stewardship of any funds managed by Siris Capital for the purpose of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector unless otherwise specified in the relevant fund documentation or regulatory disclosures. There is no guarantee that Siris will successfully implement and make investments in companies that create positive ESG impact while enhancing long-term shareholder value and achieving financial returns. To the extent that Siris engages with companies on ESG-related practices and potential enhancements thereto, such engagements may not achieve the desired financial and social results, or the market or society may not view any such changes as desirable.

          Electronics for Imaging Inc. (“EFI”) EFI is a global technology company Providing Opportunities for At-Risk Youth leading the transformation of analog The Mariano Rivera Foundation brings mentorship, life skills, STEM education, and vocational to digital imaging with its printer and training to at-risk youth. Supported by EFI and other industry vendors in the printing industry, the inkjet ink technologies and productivity Foundation is helping create a valuable pipeline for much-needed talent. This year, the Foundation software. began offering vocational training in their PDPD (Print, Design and Package Development) program and in September graduated their first class of students. Among the graduates – six students had completed the full set of EFI Fiery Professional Certifications! As an innovator in the digital printing and inkjet ink technology space, EFI has been Sustainable Product Innovations driven by a passion to help its customers During 2022, EFI commercialized two printers: the EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA and the VUTEk Paper Pro save energy, reduce costs, enable new printer, both of which offer sustainable printing solutions. Both printers utilize water-based inks, digital applications, and minimize waste. which reduce both carbon emissions and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Water based inks do not require solvent cleaning which results in a more sustainable manufacturing process. The EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA is an all-in-one solution for water-based pigment printing and requires no ancillary equipment for pre- and post-treatment. The EFI Reggiani ecoTERRA eliminates the need for steaming or washing textiles prior to printing. As a result, users can achieve superior printing results while using less time, water, and energy. The VUTEk Paper Pro Printer, designed for high volume paper-based printing applications, utilizes an ink recirculation system which reduces purging, maintenance needs and stoppages, saving costs associated with ink and media waste. The VUTEK Paper Pro allows users to create large scale signage, such as billboards and posters that are recyclable. Supporting a More Sustainable Industry EFI is proud to be a gold patron of the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP), the leading certification authority in sustainable printing. EFI supports SGP’s mission to promote and advance the sustainability of the printing industry. The SGP provides the printing industry a valuable All data and information on this slide is provided by EFI. Siris does network to share expertise and best practices with their certified printers and as well as other not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as industry participants. to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and disclaimers. *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 26

          Commitment to Carbon Reduction During 2022 EQ published a carbon reduction plan and adopted carbon reduction targets in line with the Paris Agreement, committing to an absolute carbon reduction for the whole of EQ Group of 46.2% by 2029. This target supports keeping global temperatures below 1.5c, compared to pre-industrial levels. EQ has also committed EQ to achieving net zero across scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2040. EQ is an international technology-led services and payments specialist providing expert Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion shareholder, pension, remediation, and credit EQ was awarded Top Employer status in the UK for 2022, exceeding benchmark scores throughout services. With over 5,000 employees, EQ the Diversity & Inclusion section. Additionally, EQ was named as a finalist for ‘Best Diversity & supports 36 million people in 120 countries. Inclusion Strategy’ at the prestigious HR Excellence Awards 2022. EQ’s purpose is to care for every customer EQ received the Consumer Inclusivity Initiative Award at the Public Trust Awards 2022 from the and simplify every transaction, delivered Chartered Insurance Institute. The award recognized EQ’s achievements in delivering products with less of an impact on the environment. and services that are accessible to all. EQ delivered customer training to more than 600 frontline colleagues, helping them identify vulnerabilities and updating our Compendia Touch software to record vulnerable customer needs, including how a member wants to interact with the company. EQ’s ambition is to ensure growth in a EQ has four employee led networks (Gender, Multicultural, LGBT+, Disability & Mental Health). responsible and sustainable way. For EQ An Executive Sponsor and the D&I Council provide oversight to each network. Today there are more that means advocating for customers, than 300 active members and D&I became a staple of EQ’s communications narrative. The EQ local communities, suppliers, colleagues, networks help embed D&I into the Company’s corporate values. For example, the EQ multicultural and the environment in all decisions. network consulted with the business in its response to the issues raised by Black Lives Matter. EQ is committed to embedding principles of responsible business through collaborative partnerships and strong governance. 1. Consideration for the Consumer Inclusivity Initiative Award 2022 was based on the 2020-2021 time period. The award ESG Awards and Recognition required an application and an application fee of less £500. Award recipients were chosen on September 15, 2022 by the Chartered Insurance Institute based on criteria listed here (CII Public Trust Awards - Award categories). 1 • Consumer Inclusivity Initiative Award 2022 2. Consideration for the Governance, Risk & Compliance Program of the Year at the Agility 2022 was based on the calendar • Governance, Risk & Compliance Program of year of 2022. The award required an application but did not require an application fee. Award recipients were chosen 2 on September 23, 2022, LogicGate, Inc. based an open voting process. the Year at the Agility 2022 • Award for Excellence in CSR and Sustainability 3. Consideration for the Award for Excellence in CSR and Sustainability at the Economic Times Ascent 2022 was based 3 on the 2021-2022 time period. The award required an application and an application fee of INR 70,000. Award recipients at the Economic Times Ascent 2022 were chosen on September 21, 2022 by FUN AND JOY AT WORK ( based on a review of the 4 • Top Employer UK Certification application and materials provided. All data and information on this slide is provided by EQ. 4. Consideration for Top Employer UK Certification was based on the calendar year of 2021. The award required an Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or application and an application fee. Award recipients were chosen in January 2022 by the Top Employers Institute implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. based on a questionnaire and independent audit. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 27 disclaimers.

          Excellence in Community Service EQ India was recognized for Excellence in CSR and Sustainability at the 2022 Economic Times Ascent Awards. During 2022 the EQ India team worked hard on new social initiatives, including helping with a tree planting drive and renovating a pond in a village near Chennai to provide local access to sufficient water. The team is also just months away from completing the renovation of two new classrooms for a rural school where the pupils currently must have their lessons outside because EQ of the dilapidated state of the building. EQ is an international technology-led services “We are honored to receive this award from The Economic and payments specialist providing expert Times for our work in CSR and sustainability. We’re so shareholder, pension, remediation, and credit proud to help make a difference to the education of all services. With over 5,000 employees, EQ the school children who have nowhere indoors to sit. supports 36 million people in 120 countries. But there is more to do and our forward-thinking CSR EQ’s purpose is to care for every customer committee are dedicated to making a positive contribution and simplify every transaction, delivered in our society.” with less of an impact on the environment. EQ’s ambition is to ensure growth in a Nikhil Raj responsible and sustainable way. For EQ EQ India’s Human Resources Director that means advocating for customers, local communities, suppliers, colleagues, and the environment in all decisions. EQ is committed to embedding principles Award-winning Governance Risk & Compliance of responsible business through collaborative EQ's implementation of LogicGate won the award for Governance, Risk & Compliance Program of partnerships and strong governance. the Year at the third annual Agility Conference 2022, held in Chicago. This event recognizes some of the most prominent organizations worldwide and celebrates industry experts who are true experts ESG Awards and Recognition in risk and compliance. 1 • Consumer Inclusivity Initiative Award 2022 • Governance, Risk & Compliance Program of 2 the Year at the Agility 2022 • Award for Excellence in CSR and Sustainability 3 at the Economic Times Ascent 2022 4 • Top Employer UK Certification All data and information on this slide is provided by EQ. Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. *Data as of October 2022 Please also see page 25 for additional information and Please see previous page for award sources 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 28 disclaimers.

          Travelport Environmental Sustainability Travelport is adopting a best-in-class approach for improving the environmental sustainability Travelport is a global technology of both its operations and the travel industry it supports, and ultimately aspires to make a positive company that powers bookings for contribution to the natural environment. To achieve this, the company is undertaking a wide range of activities that are focused on ensuring it: hundreds of thousands of travel • Achieves net zero greenhouse gas emissions by no later than 2050 suppliers worldwide. Buyers and sellers • Enables travel buyers to make sustainable choices of travel are connected by the company’s In 2022, Travelport joined global sustainable travel coalition, Travalyst. As part of the group, it is now next generation marketplace, Travelport+, working alongside some of the world’s largest travel companies and service providers to help resolve the travel industry’s greatest challenges in sustainable travel. which simplifies how brands connect, One of Travelport's top priorities for 2023 is to reduce the environmental impact of its data centers, upgrades how travel is sold, and enables primarily by avoiding emissions through the purchase of renewable energy and reducing energy modern digital retailing. Headquartered and water consumption through efficient data center practices. in the United Kingdom and operating in Social Sustainability more than 180 countries around the Travelport is focused on two areas of social sustainability: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I), world, Travelport is focused on driving and giving back to the community. For DE&I, the company is driving accountability by developing the innovation that simplifies the complex skillsets and mindsets of people at all levels and by collecting data, insights and metrics that allow it travel ecosystem. to continually learn and develop a truly diverse workforce and inclusive place to work. The company also recently joined IATA’s 25by2025 initiative and, in doing so, committed to increasing the number of women in senior positions and under-represented areas. In 2022, Travelport also committed to giving back on a larger scale by forging a global partnership with Save the Children UK to support the hardest hit areas of the world where children are in need. After an initial $100,000 donation to support children impacted by the crisis in Ukraine, the company is now attempting to raise another $100,000 in partnership with employees to help tackle the global hunger crisis. Governance Travelport is committed to operating in an ethical manner, underpinned by its core values. In 2023, the company aims to establish a formalized ESG committee that will report to the Audit and Risk Committee. This committee will be responsible for monitoring and advising Travelport’s All data and information on this slide is provided by Travelport. management team regarding all ESG matters of relevance and significance to its operations. Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 29 disclaimers.

          Award-winning Culture In 2022, Digital River was recognized by the Star Tribune as a Top Workplace National Standard Setter. This is the second year that Digital River has received this recognition. Digital River also received a “Culture of Excellence” award for work-life flexibility from Top Workplace awards as well in both 2021 and 2022. Digital River’s recognition is a reflection of the differentiated culture that is focused on innovation, shared knowledge, personal ownership, excellence, and uniqueness. Digital River Community Outreach Digital River is a leading provider of e- Digital River demonstrated its culture of service in 2022 by supporting community organizations. In recognition of World Autism Acceptance Month, Digital River supported the RUN FOR AUTISM, commerce solutions. Companies of all a virtual event presented by the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). To assist needy families sizes rely on Digital River’s multi-tenant during the holiday season, each November for the past three years, Digital River volunteers have sold “Turkey Coupons” for the ICA Food Shelf in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Digital River also donates SaaS commerce, payments and used equipment to Minnesota Tech for Success Program. Minnesota Tech for Success recycles, compliance services to manage and grow and repairs donated computers to refurbish them for schools and educationally focused community organizations. Minnesota Tech for Success programs enable digital equity by providing technology their online, direct-to-consumer access to underserved communities. businesses. Leadership in Diversity Digital River promotes a company culture Digital River joined the growing list of companies whose CEOs have signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™. CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ is the largest CEO-driven business in which all employees feel a sense of commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. More than 2,300 CEOs have belonging, enabling them to feel valued, signed on to this commitment. All the CEO signatories of the commitment serve as leaders of their companies and are devoted to implementing leading diversity and inclusion practices within their respected, engaged, and to reach their workforce. Additionally, Digital River’s Diversity & Inclusion Officer was recognized by the Technical full potential. Inclusion Conference as a Top 50 Diversity Officer in Tech. Employee Health & Engagement In addition to philanthropic and volunteer opportunities, Digital River offers many fun and creative ways to engage its employees. Team members participate in “bring your dog to work” day and regular holiday celebrations. As part of Digital River’s holistic approach to employee health, remote employees are offered one-on-one ergonomic assessments with a trained ergonomic risk ESG Awards and Recognition assessment. Each employee completing this assessment receives a report with all the necessary • 2022 Star Tribune Top Workplace1 advice and recommendations for creating a safe and healthy workspace as well as a recommended exercise program. • Top Workplaces Culture Excellence Award 2 1. Consideration for the 2022 Star Tribune Top Workplace was based on an employee survey conducted January 2022. for Work-Life Flexibility The award did not require an application, however, Digital River paid $5,355 to participate in the survey. Award recipients • Technical Inclusion Conference Top 50 were announced June 2022, by the Star Tribune. Award criteria is listed here. 3 Diversity Officer in Tech 2. Consideration for the Top Workplaces Culture Excellence Award for Work-Life Flexibility based on an employee survey conducted January 2022. The award did not require an application, however, Digital River paid $5,355 to participate in the survey. Award recipients were announced June 2022, by the Star Tribune. Award criteria is listed here. All data and information on this slide is provided by Digital River. 3. Consideration for the Technical Inclusion Conference Top 50 Diversity Officer in Tech was based on the 2022 time period. Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or The award was based on a nomination process and did not require an application. Award recipients were chosen on implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. September 26, 2022, by the Tech Inclusion Conference based on criteria listed here. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 30 disclaimers.

          Mavenir As a global (US-headquartered) Caring for our Communities through MAVcares– telecommunications leader with 37 offices across 25 countries, Mavenir is Global CSR Initiative committed to ensuring a healthy, In February 2022, Mavenir proudly launched a global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program inclusive, and diverse workforce; – MAVcares–a way for all global Mavenir employees to give back, unified by the mantra: “United for promoting community involvement; and Change.” The program introduced a new MAVcares platform providing a way for employees, company-wide, to purposefully donate, volunteer, and take action on social issues. advancing environmental performance; Mavenirchose ten charities, under six pillar causes, to support in 2022. Corporate matching funds enabling representation, equity and are equally distributed to Mavenir’s chosen pillar causes and associated charities: belonging for all team members across • Support for Children with Hearing Loss - AG Bell Mavenir’s global sites. • Supporting People with Disabilities - Enable India • Empowering Girls’ Education - Malala Fund and Akshara Foundation • Protecting Our Environment - Naturskyddsforeningen and World Wildlife Fund • Fighting Hunger - Rise Against Hunger India and An Egg a Day Project and Network of Community Ministries • Eliminating Poverty - Miracle Foundation Mavenirhas initiated a volunteer program, giving all global staff eight hours annually of Company- Paid Time Off for volunteerism, encouraging employees to participate in global Giving Days, in support of Mavenir’s pillar causes. The first round of global MAVcares Giving Days were hosted in the Spring and Fall of 2022, with over 2,000 hours volunteered by 480+ global volunteers at 41 Giving Day events. ESG Awards and Recognition During 2022 Mavenir’s ESG efforts were recognized with a Tech Cares Award • TrustRadius Tech Cares Award 20221 from TrustRadius, one of the most trusted research and review platforms. The award celebrates companies that have gone above and beyond to provide impactful corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs for their employees and surrounding communities. All data and information on this slide is provided by Mavenir. 1. Consideration for the TrustRadius 2022 Tech Cares Award was based on 2021 programs. The award required an Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or online nomination, with no fees for nomination or award acceptance. Award recipients were awarded in October implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. 2022 by TrustRadius based on their research team's evaluation, using the criteria detailed here. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 31 disclaimers.

          Creating Equitable Employee Experiences Over the past year, Mavenir has made great progress in furthering its ESG commitments, with emphasis on equitable employee experiences for its growing and hybrid workforce. In addition to driving internal initiatives to promote the advancement of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), Mavenir became a founding member of the Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Diversity Committee, earning a co-chair seat on the council in 2022. The committee seeks to further the business value Mavenir of diversity in its many forms – from diverse (particularly gender-diverse) representation in the workplace, to diversity of supply chain across the Telecom industry. Together, with its TIP partners, Mavenircontinues to bring important discussions around DEIB to the forefront, from promoting As a global (US-headquartered) diverse representation at industry events, to sharing best practices for diverse talent acquisition telecommunications leader with 37 and retention. offices across 25 countries, Mavenir is To provide equitable onboarding experiences during the pandemic, Mavenir launched an innovative committed to ensuring a healthy, New Joiner program - Mavenir’s New Joiner Corner is a virtual destination for all new employees to get started with onboarding activities, familiarize themselves with frequently used portals and tools, inclusive, and diverse workforce; virtually “meet” leadership teams, and understand Mavenir’s business portfolio. The portal includes promoting community involvement; and a New Joiner Training section with training and course materials, tailored for new joiner learning and success. The development of this platform has allowed Mavenir to create an inclusive team advancing environmental performance; environment for all employees, regardless of whether they work remotely, hybrid or in-office. enabling representation, equity and The New Joiner program has positively impacted employee engagement – as all employees have a centralized platform with common employee experiences and events. belonging for all team members across Mavenir’s global sites. External ESG Disclosure & Transparency Actions Mavenirengages with several leading organizations to disclose and provide transparency of its corporate sustainability practices. Mavenir is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and has disclosed to the CDP-Climate since 2018. Mavenir participates in the Telecommunication Industry Association’s (TIA) QuEST Sustainability Assessment program. In 2022, Mavenir was awarded the prestigious EcoVadis Bronze medallion for its commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility by the EcoVadis rating agency, the world’s largest provider of business sustainability ratings.2 ESG Awards and Recognition • TrustRadius Tech Cares Award 20221 All data and information on this slide is provided by Mavenir. 1. Please see previous page for award sources Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or 2. implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 32 disclaimers.

          Constant Contact Diversity and Inclusion Constant Contact delivers for millions of Constant Contact continues to strengthen its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The launch of new company values serves as a foundation for the work done and community created by small businesses and nonprofits worldwide employees. The value “You Belong Here” galvanizes the company’s commitment to an inclusive with powerful tools that simplify and amplify work environment. Unique trainings on DEI and Belonging topics are driving continuous learning; digital marketing. Whether it's driving sales, 93 employees have taken over 325 courses in the few months since launching.* Additionally, to further diversify the talent pool for all jobs, Constant Contact has partnered with Broadbean to growing a customer base or engaging an post all open job requisitions on 19 unique diversity job boards. Ten Affinity Groups continue to be audience, Constant Contact delivers the an integral part of the culture at Constant Contact. Group sizes range from 22 to 113 employees. performance and guidance to build strong During 2022 the company increased its commitment to our LGBTQIA+ employees and allies by sponsoring PRIDE events throughout our office locations, and partnering with the National LGBT connections and generate powerful results. Chamber of Commerce (“NLGCC”) to ensure all Pride promotional items were purchased through Constant Contact is committed to fostering LGBTQIA+ owned businesses. In 2023, Constant Contact is expanding fertility benefits to support family planning across all employee groups. To demonstrate a commitment to DEI efforts, Constant a culture of connection. Constant Contact Contact has submitted a nomination for the Everest I&D Impact Awards in the Inclusion category, employees build strong relationships with which focuses on progress made towards a culture of inclusiveness. each other so that everyone feels included, Green Initiatives and Community Engagement supported and heard. Constant Contact employees close the gap between “what is” Constant Contact strengthened its partnership with the Thompson Island Outward Bound and “what can be” through innovation, Education Center by participating in their annual 4K race and a volunteer day in October. Constant Contact also began new partnerships with Cradles to Crayons, a Massachusetts-based nonprofit advocacy and with a deep sense of integrity. providing resources to homeless and low-income children, and Grace Marketplace, a Gainesville- based customer with one goal in mind: to end homelessness. Constant Contact held events near office locations and promoted opportunities to all employees to volunteer at local food banks during the season of giving to provide meals to those in need. Internet Governance and Cyber Security Constant Contact continues its progress on ensuring that its ability to deliver large-scale digital marketing campaigns directly to target audiences is not misused by cyber-criminals. To that end, Constant Contact has made Multi-Factor Authentication available to all customers for free as a means to combat cyber crime and has made it compulsory for large-scale customers, government and non-government organizations. Also, Constant Contact has robust procedures for quickly identifying and removing campaign content that has been deemed to be fraudulent or All data and information on this slide is provided by Constant unauthorized. By helping ensure that the platform will not be used as a vehicle to spread damaging Contact. Siris does not make any representation or warranty, content, Constant Contact is delivering a socially responsible service. express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 33 and disclaimers.

          Newfold Digital (“Newfold”) Newfold is a leading web technology Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community around the Globe company serving millions of small to Newfold proudly supports LGBTQIA+ across our global communities. In April 2022, the Jacksonville, medium businesses globally to build a Florida Newfold team generously supported the 2022 Strides for Pride, a fun filled 5k to benefit digital presence that delivers results. JASMYN. JASMYN is a non-profit organization that empowers LGBTQIA+ youth through leadership, advocacy, resources and a safe and confirming community. In August, the Newfold Digital’s team in Wijchen, The Netherlands celebrated Pride together from their well decorated boat as a floating Newfoldbelieves in fostering a culture participant in the Amsterdam Pride Canal Pride! that encourages everyone regardless of We will never Forget race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or social economic In April 2022, nearly 200 Newfold employees joined together in a virtual event hosted by the background to feel comfortable being Jewish@Newfold Affinity Group and the United States Holocast Memorial Museum. During the event, attendees had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear from Holocaust survivor Rae Goldfarb their authentic selves at work. Newfold as she shared stories about her childhook in Doksyca, Poland, life under Nazi rule and her eventual is committed to embracing its employees’ escape from a Jewish ghetto. differences and creating an open and Parenting with a Career Panel Discussion inclusive environment that will help In recognition of the unique challenges faced by working Parents, the Parents@Newfold affinity everyone achieve their full potential, group hosted an optional event for Newfold team members. Hosted in September as many and ultimately help bring about positive employees faced the start of another school year, this interactive event was designed to offer outcomes for colleagues, customers, and support and advice on a myriad of topics including nutrition, managing unexpected school closures, and dealing with traditional milestones such as starting kindergarten or graduating the communities they represent. from high school. Heart Healthy Communities In May 2022, the Newfold Jacksonville team sponsored an American Heart Association's Go Red for in the No. 1 killer Women luncheon in Jacksonville. According to the AHA, “cardiovascular disease of women, but the simple truth is that most cardiovascular diseases can still be prevented with All data and information on this slide is provided by Newfold. education and healthy lifestyle changes.” The Newfold team was honored to step up to provide Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or an opportunity for women in their local community to learn how to improve their health. implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 34 disclaimers.

          Giving Around the Globe Throughout the year, Newfold sponsors several charitable programs around the globe. During 2022 . Newfold’s sponsorship in India, Newfold sponsored two preschools through SHEH Foundation provided covered uniforms, shoes, and bags for 180 children, as well as infrastructure and faculty salary costs. Newfold also worked with ThinkSharp Foundation to sponsor 12 digital classrooms, 12 libraries and computers in 4 schools, which provided educational benefits for 2,492 children. Other 2022 charitable activities included a donation of school supplies to local areas in Brazil and Newfold Digital a partnership with St. Jude Cancer Care Center in Mumbai to sponsor 11 Family Units and to donate (“Newfold”) operational expenses. Newfold is a leading web technology ESG Awards and Recognition company serving millions of small to • Silver Globee® for Women-Run Workplace of the Year in the 20221 • Top 100 Best Leadership Teams2 medium businesses globally to build a • Number-one woman-led business in Florida by The Commonwealth Institute3 digital presence that delivers results. • SILVER STEVIE® WINNER- Woman of the Year - Business Services Industries4 5 Newfoldbelieves in fostering a culture • SILVER STEVIE® WINNER- Information Technology Executive of the Year that encourages everyone regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or social economic background to feel comfortable being their authentic selves at work. Newfold is committed to embracing its employees’ differences and creating an open and inclusive environment that will help 1. Consideration for the Silver Globee® for Women-Run Workplace of the Year in the 2022 was based on the 2022 time everyone achieve their full potential, period. The award required an application, and an application fee of $480. Award recipients were chosen in September, 2022 by The GlobeeAwards based on criteria listed here. and ultimately help bring about positive 2. Consideration for the Top 100 Best Leadership Teams was based on the time period of June 2021 – June 2022.. outcomes for colleagues, customers, and The award required an application but did not require an application fee. Award recipients were chosen in July 2022 by Comparably based on criteria listed here. the communities they represent. 3. Consideration for the Number-one woman-led business in Florida by The Commonwealth Institutewas based on the calendar year of 2021. The award required an application but did not require an application fee. Award recipients were chosen in June 2022 by The Commonwealth Institute-Florida and Kaufman Rossin based on criteria listed here. 4. Consideration for SILVER STEVIE® WINNER- Woman of the Year - Business Services Industries was based on the 2020 – 2021 time period. The award required an application, and an application fee of $335. Award recipients were chosen in April 2022 by the American Business Awards based on criteria listed here. 5. Consideration for SILVER STEVIE® WINNER- Information Technology Executive of the Year was based on the 2020 – 2021 All data and information on this slide is provided by Newfold. time period. The award required an application, and an application fee of $255. Award recipients were chosen Siris does not make any representation or warranty, express or in April 2022 by the American Business Awards based on criteria listed here. implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 35 disclaimers.

          TPx TPx helps businesses navigate the complicated and evolving IT landscape. As a leading nationwide managed services DEI Efforts provider, TPx helps businesses simplify In 2022, TPx focused on demonstrating its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. With an operations, optimize networks, improve executive leadership team comprised of 56% women, this diverse tone at the top was emphasized productivity, reduce costs and keep IT through an Executive Op Ed Series, which was published monthly in the company newsletter, highlighting the diversity in gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation in Company leadership. environments secure. These articles showcased the unique perspectives on the importance of DEI at TPx. TPx women also won numerous individual awards in 2021-22 in support of their commitment to TPx is a leading nationwide managed gender diversity and leadership, including CRN’s 2022 Women of the Channel List, 2022 Channel service provider focused on the success of Futures Networking & Connectivity Channel Leaders List, and Sandler Partners Channel Managers of the year. Additionally, TPx’s CEO was named as a recipient of the Channel Futures DE&I 101 small- and medium-sized businesses. TPx’s award for driving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the information and communications technology customer service and affordable products channel through actions and leadership at TPx. make it a partner of choice for many non- In Q2 and Q3, TPx DEI Leadership, in coordination with the Learning and Development team, conducted 11 live training sessions on unconscious biases. The training attendance rate averaged profits and community-based businesses. 74% of the company’s employees. Each session included a 20-30 minute breakout session consisting of 10-12 employees who engaged in dialogue about their experiences. Community Service In 2022, TPx also kicked off its inaugural Days of Service program encompassing 20 service projects (both in person and virtual) in 15 cities across the country performed by TPx employees for the benefit of local charitable organizations. Over 250 TPx employees registered to participate in the first annual Days of Service program and dedicated a combined 874 hours of their time to making a positive impact in their local communities by supporting initiatives that serve underprivileged groups. Throughout the year, TPx employees participated in charitable events like Arrow’s Tee up for Kids golf tournament, helped fundraise money for different organizations like Advocates, which support social, economic, and health justice, and served on multiple boards, including First Tee of Sacramento. These are just a few examples of philanthropic efforts by TPx employees, which All data and information on this slide is provided by TPx. Siris does are commonplace at the company. not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also see page 25 for additional information and disclaimers. *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 36

          Materials Sourcing In an effort to mitigate the impact of potentially critical materials within its supply chain, TPx made strides in its materials sourcing by adopting a Business Partner Code of Conduct in Q2. Through this Code of Conduct, TPx sets expectations for its business partners on, among other things, important issues of ethical, social, and environmental responsibility. The expectations are included in agreements with business partners, thereby encouraging stronger commitment and providing TPx TPx a potential enforcement avenue. Customer Projects TPx helps businesses navigate the The Children’s Rescue Fund (CRF) is a not-for-profit in New York City that provides temporary housing complicated and evolving IT landscape. As and support services for homeless mothers and children. The not-for-profit organization staffs a leading nationwide managed services between 200-300 employees at any given time, which is why having reliable and flexible communication technology for its team is so important. By implementing TPx’s communications provider, TPx helps businesses simplify products and services, CRF employees have more flexibility in how they schedule their workdays, operations, optimize networks, improve including a new ability to work from home. Increased communication, connectivity, and flexibility help productivity, reduce costs and keep IT CRF employees facilitate the services and resources necessary to build a stronger local community. The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of Hawaii (BGCH) is to enable all young people — especially environments secure. those who need it most — to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. Nonprofits are popular targets of cybercriminals due to their large database consisting of personal, TPx is a leading nationwide managed account, and payment information of donors and board members. BGCH wanted to reduce the service provider focused on the success of threat of cyberattacks, protect donor data, and prevent employees from clicking unsafe links. BGCH chose to implement TPx’s Security Training Program, which is fully managed by TPx. small- and medium-sized businesses. TPx’s After the implementation of TPx’s Security Awareness Training program, cybersecurity metrics customer service and affordable products continued to improve. The program has enabled BGCH employees to know how prevent cyberattacks and safeguard important data, so that they can focus their attention on what matters most: helping make it a partner of choice for many non- kids reach their full potential. profits and community-based businesses. ESG Awards and Recognition • Channel Futures Networking & Connectivity 1 1.Consideration for the Channel Futures Networking & Connectivity Channel Leaders list was based on the 2022 time Channel Leaders list • CRN’s 2022 Women of the Channel List2 period. The award did not require an application. Award recipients were chosen in November 2022 by Channel Futures ( based on their companies’ market share, growth potential, strength of partner network, scope of partner program and the individual’s impact on the partner ecosystem. All data and information on this slide is provided by TPx. Siris does 2. Consideration for CRN’s 2022 Women of the Channel List was based on 2022. The award required an application not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as but did not require an application fee. Award recipients were chosen in May 2022 by CRN ( based on to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please also an applicant questionnaire. see page 25 for additional information and disclaimers. *Data as of October 2022 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 37

          Final Reflections

          Final Reflections As 2022 draws to a close, we, at Siris, reflect on all that we have accomplished across our ESG program this year. Siris and its portfolio companies continue to make progress to strengthen ESG and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, support local communities, and implement best practices. However, there still remains much to accomplish at both the Siris and portfolio company levels. Siris will continue to build out its firm-level ESG program and support its portfolio companies as they mature and grow their ESG practices. We remain committed to considering ESG factors in our investment process, in our organization, and in how we interact with the broader communities in which we operate. We believe this is "good business” and look forward to sharing our continued progress in 2023. The Siris Capital Team 2022 Siris Capital ESG Report | 39