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23 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 JUST A MIRACLE Book Extract Buy it at: Page 54 Once we had gone for our vacation to Kerala. One elderly lady staying close to my husband’s house had come to visit my mother-in-law. Amma was not at home. The old lady was visibly happy — she had me all to her- self. I had seen her a few times earlier and the only communication be- tween us was a smile. When she first asked me about kids, her tone was of concern. Then she went on to suggest some doctors — by now her tone was of authority. Later on, she went on to tell me that many good propo- sals had come for my husband but due to his bad luck he had to settle for me — by then her tone had become sarcastic. I felt so miserable, didn’t even know whether to react or respond. She went on to say that I should count myself lucky that he didn’t seek a divorce from me — how auda- cious! Now she was in full flow and went on to tell stories of guys who divorced their wives because they couldn’t bear kids. It was getting a little too much for me. So I told her that edu- cated people won’t do such stupid things — didn’t know why I had to get into such futile conversation. She gave me a good lecture on that too. I was completely shaken. I was still very sure that it was that lady’s opinion and not from my in-laws. But later on, I started viewing every word my in-laws or anyone from my husband’s side spoke with a critical eye. How strange is the working of our human mind? It works the way we pro- gram it. I always thought everyone was happy with me, and all of a sudden

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