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21 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 When I got to know that I was pregnant it was disbelief at first. Something which we wanted to hear for many years, coming true. We cried for a long time... tears of happiness. sense of achievement. Was so happy that finally I was like any other lady. The elevation of status from infertile to mother was really overwhelming. A sense of accomplishment of being able to give a child to my husband made me feel so light. It was as if my whole world had changed. I could sense that happiness on everyones face and that made me even more happier. In retrospect was the fertility jour- ney worth the cost and would you go through it again? Definitely worth the wait for many reasons. A healthy child was born to us who is a smart 23 year old now. Gratitude for that always. This journey has made me a more empathetic and compassionate person. It has taught me patience and given me the ability to be available for the less fortunate ones. Its taught me lot of life lessons, always kept me grounded, given me a complete life transformation. Even this book is the result of my journey. I woudnt like to go through it again for sure or want anyone else to go through the pain. It is a difficult and traumatic path to tread on.

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