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25 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 Did the people around me make me desperate? Did people trouble me? No, not at all. They were only showing their concern and trying to give me solu- tions that they thought might work. Did my mind perceive it the right way? Never! I just added my insecurities to their suggestions and came up with my conclusion that they were after my life. After all, few of them were inten- tionally troubling and getting sadistic pleasure. Page 165 The long treatment sessions have taught me that there is no hurry for any- thing in life. Very trivial things make me happy — I started realising that ev- erything is a great blessing and there is nothing to complain or feel proud about — that’s the transformation an infertile journey can give you. I’m sure my thinking would not have been like this if life had treated me with success all the way, right from the word go. These lessons are here to stay with me till my last breath. I feel privileged for having been introduced to the world of disabilities. It makes me acknowledge the abilities that I’ve been blessed with and be ever thankful for them. Life is quite simple — we overdo and overthink and make it complicated for no rhyme or reason. It starts right from the time we are born till the time we leave this world — it’s a world of competition. Buddha had once quoted — “When you move your focus from competition to contribution, life becomes a celebration”. We are like pas- sengers running inside a moving bus. The bus will take its own time to reach the destination, encountering different types of incidents and meeting dif- ferent people. The path could meander and be a little long at times but for sure it would reach the destination but only at its stipulated time. You are al- ready on the bus and will have to go through the predetermined route, meet all the destined people and go through all the incidents. There is no point running inside the already mobile bus, then why fret? Might as well enjoy the journey at least and not miss out on the beautiful scenes on the way — it’s not worth wasting the beautiful moments en route. The ups and downs in my life and finally emerging victorious as a winner has been God’s plan for me. I’ve been continuing this fabulous journey of mine according to the path he has carved, accepting each challenge on my way.

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