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07 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 Third of fertility specialists still recommend a type of IVF treatment which has no clear evidence of bene“t Despite a lack of evidence that the intrusive IVF treatment process of scratching the womb (endometrial scratching) increases the chances of hav- ing a baby, a third of fertility specialists are still offering this often-painful procedure. That's the findings of a new survey of fertility clinic experts internationally -- only 10% of whom actually believe endometrial scratching improve preg- nancy and live birth rates during the first round of IVF. Published in the peer-reviewed journal Human Fertility, results from over a half (55%) of respondents suggest that endometrial scratching is only of- fered to patients for psychological reasons, rather than medical -- as it is often a 'last resort' treatment option for those who have failed with several rounds of IVF. COVID-19 vaccines do not cause infertility, study “nds COVID-19 vaccination in either partner does not appear to affect fertility, according to new re- search led by Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) investigators. Published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, the prospective study of couples trying to con- ceive found no association between COVID-19 vaccination and fecundability -- the probability of conception per menstrual cycle - in female or male partners. In contrast, the findings indicate that COVID-19 infection among males may temporarily reduce fertility -- an outcome that could be avoidable through vaccination. The new data also help quell concerns about COVID-19 vaccines and fertility that arose from anecdotal reports of females experiencing men- strual cycle changes following vaccination.

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