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31 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 The Mumbai Fertility Clinic & IVF Center (MFC) was established in April, 1994 with a view to offering IVF, ICSI, IUI, Oocyte dona- tion, Sperm donation, Embryo donation, Ges- tational surrogacy and Social Egg freezing for the prevention & treatment of infertility. The centre performs advanced IVF & ICSI proce- dures in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly atmosphere yet implementing the most ad- vanced technology and laboratory facilities on par with the best in the world. The use of endometrial scratching, intraute- rine Granulocyte-stimulating factor &/or Platelet rich plasma (PRP) for patients with a poor endometrium, the utility of “freeze-all” (only frozen embryo transfers) vs fresh em- bryo transfer, judicious use of preimplanta- tion genetic diagnosis, blastocyst culture, laser assisted hatching and fertility preserva- tion. The clinic has helped thousands of couples to conceive with IVF related technologies over the past 30 years. The centre’s innovative re- search, personalized care / treatment proto- cols and consistently high pregnancy rates has set the benchmark for fertility treatment in India.

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